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{UAH} Tanzanian Private Schools Ordered To Reduce Fees

Private schools across Tanzania have been ordered to reduce fees as part of President John Pombe Magufuli's government review of education.

The education ministry has also banned state schools from seeking contributions from parents.

The moves are part of pre-election promises the country's new president made for the education sector. Magufuli has promised to overhaul the education sector by allocating more resources to better the standards.

President Magufuli has already abolished the annual $19 fee paid by students in government secondary schools in a country where free primary education was introduced in 2002.

Without God, our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday,Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday. Remember seven days without God makes one WEAK!!"And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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