{UAH} Pojim/WBK: New York Daily News Rips Sarah Palin's 'Stupid' Endorsement Of Donald Trump
New York Daily News Rips Sarah Palin's 'Stupid' Endorsement Of Donald Trump
Paper blasts endorsement: "Hate minds think alike."
The New York Daily News shows how it feels about the Sarah Palin endorsement of Donald Trump.
It was a match made in tabloid heaven.
The New York Daily News blasted Sarah Palin's endorsement of Donald Trump, with Wednesday's front page showing a picture of the pair along with the phrase, "I'M WITH STUPID."
"Hate minds think alike: Palin endorses Trump," reads the smaller print.
While Trump was criticized by rival Ted Cruz for having "New York values," the "hometown newspaper" isn't exactly a fan of the hometown candidate.
When Trump announced his run, the Daily News cover showing him in clown makeup.
"CLOWN RUNS FOR PREZ," the June 17 front page said.
It seems like a safe bet that the real estate mogul will not be getting the paper's endorsement.
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