Idag vid 11.40 AM
This is the kind of lure they used in the 9180s and 1990s. The very scare theme that they used to bluff their way into Parliament. AND, HE IS USING THE SAME SCRAP 2016?!?!?!?!? Why has the Lord cursed Acoli this much?
If he were a novice, I would buy it. But of a senior MP, I expect to be given a progress account for the past mandates. I expect to be given an outline of accomplishments of the past mandates that he has been in Parliament..
A fresh candidate may be could be given the benefit of the doubts. But, a senior MP? NO!!!!!
This is the very reason I would rather vote NRM who can at least show infrastructure investments in form of road construction and so called Rural Electrification projects.
THIS IS 2016 NOT 1986, 1999 OR 2000, REMIND THE HON MP!!!
Noc'l gaumoy
2016-01-30 15:18 GMT+01:00 matek <matekopoko@gmail.com>:
| January 30, 2016There is no difference between Gen. Yoweri Museveni of NRM and Gen. Joseph Kony of LRA/M since they both lead "resistance" movements.GULU-UGANDA: The Chairman of Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG), Mr. Ronald Reagan Okumu, has accused Uganda dictator of 30 years, Gen. Yoweri Museveni, of heading a "sectarian party"-National Resistance Movement (NRM) party."There is no equal distribution of the national cake. If you look at cabinet posts, you find that the whole of northern region, which covers Acholi, Lango and West Nile sub-regions have only two cabinet ministers, yet Ankole sub-region alone in Western Uganda has twelve cabinet ministers". He complained.He was addressing a campaign rally at Lawiyadul village, Bungatira sub-county in Aswa constituency in Gulu Northern Uganda, on Tuesday February 26, 2016. He asked the electorates to shun NRM party because it was formed with anti-northerner sentiment. He observed a minute's silence to remember all those who were killed on this day in 1986 from Kampala streets just because they were "Anyanya" a bad reference to the Acholi by NRA.Anyanyais an Acholi word meaning "poison" extracted from a snake. It was a name adopted by the first rebellion in South Sudan-The Anyanya rebellion in 1955. The NRA soldiers referred to Acholis who were in the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) or living in Kampala as Anyanyas who should not have be living in Kampala and who deserved death.He said there is no difference between Museveni's National "Resistance" Army rebel movement he formed in 1981 to "resist rule by the northerners" and Kony's Lord's "Resistance" Army formed in 1987 to "resist rule by southerners" who came to power in a bloody coup in 1986."There is no difference between "Museveni's resistance" and "Kony's resistance". If Museveni wants us to join his party, then he must change the name of the party by removing the word "resistance" from the party. It will be shameful if we join the NRM". He said.Mr. Okumu, who is also a Parliamentary Commissioner in the ninth parliament, told his electorates of Aswa constituency, that the NRM party was established in 1981 to "resist" the domination of politics of Uganda by northerners since independence in 1962."In 1981, Museveni said he was tired of the rule by northerners, who had dominated Uganda politics since independence. He went to the bush with 27 men to start a rebellion. He succeeded five years later, and on the day he took over power in 1986; so many northerners were burnt to death in the streets of Kampala using tyres". He said.He said Museveni's soldiers (NRA) committed a lot of atrocities in Acholi land including sodomy and rustling away our own source of wealth-the cattle, because of crimes our sons allegedly committed in Luweero Triangle from 1981-1986 during Uganda government force's anti- NRA operations."NRA soldiers sodomized our men, killed our people in cold blood and took away our cattle. These were not the actions of the so called "Karimojong cattle rustlers. Karimojong don't cross rivers, but these came up to the Nile. That is why our elders blessed the first rebellion against what Museveni's NRA was doing to our people". He said.Mr. Okumu, who is also one of the Vice-President of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party, said FDC was formed in 2004 by disgruntled members of the three main political parties in existence then, UPC, DP, NRM and including the independents. He explained that the colors represented in the flag of FDC party are taken from all these parties, Red (UPC), Yellow (NRM), Green (DP) and sky Blue (Independents).He urged his electorates to vote FDC into power come February 18, 2016 because it is the only other party in Uganda which has support and structures across the country besides NRM. He said people should desist from voting for NRM candidates because it was a party for relatives, friends and in-laws and that it was full of land grabbers, looters of resources and intimidators of opponents. They do these things with impunity."They have looted shs2.5 billion ($729, 412) of donor funds and nobody is being held accountable for these stolen money. They want to grab our land in Lamwo, Apaa, Lakang and Aswa ranch. Don't think you will join them in the eating if you join NRM today. It is not for you".He appealed to the youths to stop being lazy but should utilize the abandon resource-land; by investing in it profitably instead of selling land for cheap life.He faces five other candidates in the election. He has been a member of parliament since 1996.There is no difference between Gen. Yoweri Museveni of NRM and Gen. Joseph Kony of LRA/M since they both lead "resistance" movements.GULU-UGANDA: The Chairman of Acholi Parliamentary Group (APG), Mr. Ronald Reagan Okumu, has accused Uganda dictator of 30 years, Gen. Yoweri Museveni, of heading a "sectarian party"-National Resistance Movement (NRM) party."There is no equal distribution of the national cake. If you look at cabinet posts, you find that the whole of northern region, which covers Acholi, Lango and West Nile sub-regions have only two cabinet ministers, yet Ankole sub-region alone in Western Uganda has twelve cabinet ministers". He complained.He was addressing a campaign rally at Lawiyadul village, Bungatira sub-county in Aswa constituency in Gulu Northern Uganda, on Tuesday February 26, 2016. He asked the electorates to shun NRM party because it was formed with anti-northerner sentiment. He observed a minute's silence to remember all those who were killed on this day in 1986 from Kampala streets just because they were "Anyanya" a bad reference to the Acholi by NRA.Anyanyais an Acholi word meaning "poison" extracted from a snake. It was a name adopted by the first rebellion in South Sudan-The Anyanya rebellion in 1955. The NRA soldiers referred to Acholis who were in the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) or living in Kampala as Anyanyas who should not have be living in Kampala and who deserved death.He said there is no difference between Museveni's National "Resistance" Army rebel movement he formed in 1981 to "resist rule by the northerners" and Kony's Lord's "Resistance" Army formed in 1987 to "resist rule by southerners" who came to power in a bloody coup in 1986."There is no difference between "Museveni's resistance" and "Kony's resistance". If Museveni wants us to join his party, then he must change the name of the party by removing the word "resistance" from the party. It will be shameful if we join the NRM". He said.Mr. Okumu, who is also a Parliamentary Commissioner in the ninth parliament, told his electorates of Aswa constituency, that the NRM party was established in 1981 to "resist" the domination of politics of Uganda by northerners since independence in 1962."In 1981, Museveni said he was tired of the rule by northerners, who had dominated Uganda politics since independence. He went to the bush with 27 men to start a rebellion. He succeeded five years later, and on the day he took over power in 1986; so many northerners were burnt to death in the streets of Kampala using tyres". He said.He said Museveni's soldiers (NRA) committed a lot of atrocities in Acholi land including sodomy and rustling away our own source of wealth-the cattle, because of crimes our sons allegedly committed in Luweero Triangle from 1981-1986 during Uganda government force's anti- NRA operations."NRA soldiers sodomized our men, killed our people in cold blood and took away our cattle. These were not the actions of the so called "Karimojong cattle rustlers. Karimojong don't cross rivers, but these came up to the Nile. That is why our elders blessed the first rebellion against what Museveni's NRA was doing to our people". He said.Mr. Okumu, who is also one of the Vice-President of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party, said FDC was formed in 2004 by disgruntled members of the three main political parties in existence then, UPC, DP, NRM and including the independents. He explained that the colors represented in the flag of FDC party are taken from all these parties, Red (UPC), Yellow (NRM), Green (DP) and sky Blue (Independents).He urged his electorates to vote FDC into power come February 18, 2016 because it is the only other party in Uganda which has support and structures across the country besides NRM. He said people should desist from voting for NRM candidates because it was a party for relatives, friends and in-laws and that it was full of land grabbers, looters of resources and intimidators of opponents. They do these things with impunity."They have looted shs2.5 billion ($729, 412) of donor funds and nobody is being held accountable for these stolen money. They want to grab our land in Lamwo, Apaa, Lakang and Aswa ranch. Don't think you will join them in the eating if you join NRM today. It is not for you".He appealed to the youths to stop being lazy but should utilize the abandon resource-land; by investing in it profitably instead of selling land for cheap life.He faces five other candidates in the election. He has been a member of parliament since 1996.
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