This is probably a culmination of nearly a decade's reviewed study of our history. At some point, beyond the singular stories, cases and arguments, I feel something unequivocal and very generally encompassing needs to be said about our Israeli 'miracle', the manifestation of the Zionist 'dream'.
I will not write this in Hebrew, although that would probably have been the most direct idiomatic tool to reach your minds. I will not do so, because I have had enough of dirty laundry recycled amongst us 'self-understanding' Israelis. Whilst I write to you, my hopes of change coming from within us Israelis have regrettably declined in the years - and thus, I am also, if not more so, placing my bets upon the involvement of the international community - whose help we need so badly - not for more cash, weapons, or apologetic 'understanding', but rather for its intervention in what we are apparently unable, and mostly unwilling, to fix. The attitude which I thus exhibit here is an extremely unpopular one in Israeli and Jewish culture - it is the vein of the 'mosser' - the one who 'snitches' against the 'Jewish nation' towards the goyim.
Well, get over it. There are far more serious issues at hand.
I have to tell you, our evaluation of Israeli history omits so much atrocity from our side. Indeed, much of it is still classified - even back to 1948. Yes, you may have heard about Deir Yassin massacre, it is often taught in school books, yet portrayed as an aberration, perpetrated by the 'extremist', 'rogue' factions before the declaration of Independence (although the leaders of those extremist factions became our Prime-Ministers). But what of the dozens of other massacres perpetrated by - us - in 1948, indeed by the very IDF? Have you read about Al Dawayima, which was apparently worse than Deir Yassin? Yair Auron just wrote about it in Haaretz, I translated and it's out on Mondoweiss - go and read. It's a letter which is out for the first time in full, but it's no secret as such - excerpts of it have been out for decades - as have many other testimonies and documents, for those who care to seek and look.
When you sum up the systematic mass executions, the many gang-rape cases (which have been slow to be uncovered, because they involve shame on both fronts), the crushing of children's skulls with sticks, the ripping out of fetuses from their mothers' wombs - all, and many more, perpetrated by 'us', the 'good guys', the 'cultured elite' - often in situations which presented no danger, just out of pure gratuitous sadism and hate for the 'Arabs' - then you may begin to realise, that Israel is not in a war of survival, a war of an elite and advanced culture in a 'bad neighborhood' of backwards Arab sub-culture.
Let me put it out there, clearly and directly:
We have been acting like animals, with barbarism of a degree which indeed could be, and should be, and has been, compared to those whom we love to hate - the Nazis - whose cruelty is supposed to exonerate ours. As Golda Meir told MK Shulamit Aloni: "After the Holocaust, Jews are allowed to do anything." NO. Damn well not. We've used this excuse, with those words or others, together with a systematic cover-up of our own cruelties, since the start. And because we have largely succumbed to our own propaganda in this, we have failed to perceive the historical trace, which, if followed honestly, will show us that we are essentially AT THE SAME PLACE as before - still subjugating, still massacring, still torturing.
This is not a chain of events forced upon us as an inevitable consequence of trying to 'survive'. This is nonetheless a predictable outcome of our inherent state-religion - which is not Judaism, as many mistakenly think - but rather Zionism.
We were brainwashed to think that Zionism is our savior. That as Jesus died on the cross for the Christians, our soldiers have died for our country. No - they died primarily for Zionism. 'Our country', as is mostly perceived by us, is not really 'our country'. It is the country of so many others, whom we have not only expelled with unfathomable brutality, but whom we also now keep locked up in cages of various forms, shapes and styles, as well as under horrendous Apartheid regime in various degrees - in order to maintain our sacred 'demographic balance' - whilst we continue, rather unabated, in our expansion over the 'promised land'.
Our occupation did not begin in 1967, neither did our cruelty and crimes. We have established a state on the mass graves of others. This was not forced upon us. Just as Begin said in 1982, concerning the 1967 war "we must be honest with ourselves...we decided to attack" - so must we be honest with ourselves about all of our other portrayals of 'self-defense'. Indeed, the whole Zionist venture is essentially portrayed as a 'struggle for survival', a "struggle for self-defense".
Had we not hidden our crimes so well, so deep, and with so much propaganda 'deterrence' rhetoric, it would perhaps be easier to believe our sincerity. On the other hand, when those crimes are exposed for what they are, it also becomes impossible to justify our moral righteousness. Indeed, as the world media became much more instantly transparent, the reality of our crimes became impossible to hide - so we put an extra focus on propaganda - to twist it all into 'self defense'. We indiscriminately shelled houses and levelled neighborhoods in Gaza for 'self-defense'. We torture children for 'self-defense'. Let's just say it outright: We torture and terrorize the hell out of Palestinians in order to deter them and make their lives so miserable so they will want to leave - or to revenge, which will justify our next blow.
We have created a monster. Who on earth would want to 'survive' if this is how 'survival' looks? How vile is this 'survival' which maintains itself upon the death and destruction of 'others'? Indeed, who are those 'others'? Are we not really the 'others', who came with our 'better knowing' culture to 'make the desert bloom'? And as this desert 'blooms' with yet another settlement, another fictitious 'military zone', another 'expansion' - the people who are there, the 'others', are gradually removed, encircled, or killed.
We, Jews, have thus created a violent legacy to last for centuries, even if it were to stop now. If all stories were now revealed, all archives declassified (both 1948, 1967 and all others), it is certain that this Zionist venture would constitute another shocking and substantial chapter of barbarism and cruelty in the annals of world history.
But it is not over - for worse, but also for better. We have the ability to stop it now. No, this does not mean our annihilation, as the propagandist Zionist hysterics would reflexively profess. It is an option, standing before us - to relinquish the reign of exclusivity, to separate the Jewish from the State, and to live in peace, with all the challenges that may face every human and every state.
But WE are not a state. A state is not 'people'. A state is a regime, a paradigm of governance. A state may belong to its citizens - but then neither 'we' nor Israel constitute a real state. For the State of Israel is the state of those who hold Jewish Nationality - which supersedes their citizenship. And I refuse to be a part of this "we", if that means some ethnic-religious-national mishmash superiority. Does that necessarily mean divorcing Judaism? No, of course not. It simply means divorcing the ostensibly inextricable tie that Zionism has made between itself and Judaism, in monopolising Judaism, using a mafia-style coercion of all those who speak against it, with the (too often) applied ultimate rhetoric WMD of 'anti-Semitism'.
This is a scare tactic that needs to be fought. If we do not rise above the intellectual atavism that this ideology submits us to, we will continue to be committing grave crimes and exonerating them as we go, in the name of this 'religion'.
There is a future. Zionism, nonetheless, is a dead-end. I realise that saying these things today, is far, far from consensus, and is in no uncertain ways a recipe for societal exclusion. I'll take that. I've already resolved to it. But this is not some prophetic martyrdom that I submit myself to. It is actually the only right path that I see. If you want to hope for a good future with Zionism, at least do the minimum to really see what it has meant for Palestinians. That is, surprisingly, perhaps the easier part. The harder part is to look the horrors in the eye, and then look yourself in the mirror, and see what Zionism has done to you.''
----Jonathan Ofir
-- This is probably a culmination of nearly a decade's reviewed study of our history. At some point, beyond the singular stories, cases and arguments, I feel something unequivocal and very generally encompassing needs to be said about our Israeli 'miracle', the manifestation of the Zionist 'dream'.
I will not write this in Hebrew, although that would probably have been the most direct idiomatic tool to reach your minds. I will not do so, because I have had enough of dirty laundry recycled amongst us 'self-understanding' Israelis. Whilst I write to you, my hopes of change coming from within us Israelis have regrettably declined in the years - and thus, I am also, if not more so, placing my bets upon the involvement of the international community - whose help we need so badly - not for more cash, weapons, or apologetic 'understanding', but rather for its intervention in what we are apparently unable, and mostly unwilling, to fix. The attitude which I thus exhibit here is an extremely unpopular one in Israeli and Jewish culture - it is the vein of the 'mosser' - the one who 'snitches' against the 'Jewish nation' towards the goyim.
Well, get over it. There are far more serious issues at hand.
I have to tell you, our evaluation of Israeli history omits so much atrocity from our side. Indeed, much of it is still classified - even back to 1948. Yes, you may have heard about Deir Yassin massacre, it is often taught in school books, yet portrayed as an aberration, perpetrated by the 'extremist', 'rogue' factions before the declaration of Independence (although the leaders of those extremist factions became our Prime-Ministers). But what of the dozens of other massacres perpetrated by - us - in 1948, indeed by the very IDF? Have you read about Al Dawayima, which was apparently worse than Deir Yassin? Yair Auron just wrote about it in Haaretz, I translated and it's out on Mondoweiss - go and read. It's a letter which is out for the first time in full, but it's no secret as such - excerpts of it have been out for decades - as have many other testimonies and documents, for those who care to seek and look.
When you sum up the systematic mass executions, the many gang-rape cases (which have been slow to be uncovered, because they involve shame on both fronts), the crushing of children's skulls with sticks, the ripping out of fetuses from their mothers' wombs - all, and many more, perpetrated by 'us', the 'good guys', the 'cultured elite' - often in situations which presented no danger, just out of pure gratuitous sadism and hate for the 'Arabs' - then you may begin to realise, that Israel is not in a war of survival, a war of an elite and advanced culture in a 'bad neighborhood' of backwards Arab sub-culture.
Let me put it out there, clearly and directly:
We have been acting like animals, with barbarism of a degree which indeed could be, and should be, and has been, compared to those whom we love to hate - the Nazis - whose cruelty is supposed to exonerate ours. As Golda Meir told MK Shulamit Aloni: "After the Holocaust, Jews are allowed to do anything." NO. Damn well not. We've used this excuse, with those words or others, together with a systematic cover-up of our own cruelties, since the start. And because we have largely succumbed to our own propaganda in this, we have failed to perceive the historical trace, which, if followed honestly, will show us that we are essentially AT THE SAME PLACE as before - still subjugating, still massacring, still torturing.
This is not a chain of events forced upon us as an inevitable consequence of trying to 'survive'. This is nonetheless a predictable outcome of our inherent state-religion - which is not Judaism, as many mistakenly think - but rather Zionism.
We were brainwashed to think that Zionism is our savior. That as Jesus died on the cross for the Christians, our soldiers have died for our country. No - they died primarily for Zionism. 'Our country', as is mostly perceived by us, is not really 'our country'. It is the country of so many others, whom we have not only expelled with unfathomable brutality, but whom we also now keep locked up in cages of various forms, shapes and styles, as well as under horrendous Apartheid regime in various degrees - in order to maintain our sacred 'demographic balance' - whilst we continue, rather unabated, in our expansion over the 'promised land'.
Our occupation did not begin in 1967, neither did our cruelty and crimes. We have established a state on the mass graves of others. This was not forced upon us. Just as Begin said in 1982, concerning the 1967 war "we must be honest with ourselves...we decided to attack" - so must we be honest with ourselves about all of our other portrayals of 'self-defense'. Indeed, the whole Zionist venture is essentially portrayed as a 'struggle for survival', a "struggle for self-defense".
Had we not hidden our crimes so well, so deep, and with so much propaganda 'deterrence' rhetoric, it would perhaps be easier to believe our sincerity. On the other hand, when those crimes are exposed for what they are, it also becomes impossible to justify our moral righteousness. Indeed, as the world media became much more instantly transparent, the reality of our crimes became impossible to hide - so we put an extra focus on propaganda - to twist it all into 'self defense'. We indiscriminately shelled houses and levelled neighborhoods in Gaza for 'self-defense'. We torture children for 'self-defense'. Let's just say it outright: We torture and terrorize the hell out of Palestinians in order to deter them and make their lives so miserable so they will want to leave - or to revenge, which will justify our next blow.
We have created a monster. Who on earth would want to 'survive' if this is how 'survival' looks? How vile is this 'survival' which maintains itself upon the death and destruction of 'others'? Indeed, who are those 'others'? Are we not really the 'others', who came with our 'better knowing' culture to 'make the desert bloom'? And as this desert 'blooms' with yet another settlement, another fictitious 'military zone', another 'expansion' - the people who are there, the 'others', are gradually removed, encircled, or killed.
We, Jews, have thus created a violent legacy to last for centuries, even if it were to stop now. If all stories were now revealed, all archives declassified (both 1948, 1967 and all others), it is certain that this Zionist venture would constitute another shocking and substantial chapter of barbarism and cruelty in the annals of world history.
But it is not over - for worse, but also for better. We have the ability to stop it now. No, this does not mean our annihilation, as the propagandist Zionist hysterics would reflexively profess. It is an option, standing before us - to relinquish the reign of exclusivity, to separate the Jewish from the State, and to live in peace, with all the challenges that may face every human and every state.
But WE are not a state. A state is not 'people'. A state is a regime, a paradigm of governance. A state may belong to its citizens - but then neither 'we' nor Israel constitute a real state. For the State of Israel is the state of those who hold Jewish Nationality - which supersedes their citizenship. And I refuse to be a part of this "we", if that means some ethnic-religious-national mishmash superiority. Does that necessarily mean divorcing Judaism? No, of course not. It simply means divorcing the ostensibly inextricable tie that Zionism has made between itself and Judaism, in monopolising Judaism, using a mafia-style coercion of all those who speak against it, with the (too often) applied ultimate rhetoric WMD of 'anti-Semitism'.
This is a scare tactic that needs to be fought. If we do not rise above the intellectual atavism that this ideology submits us to, we will continue to be committing grave crimes and exonerating them as we go, in the name of this 'religion'.
There is a future. Zionism, nonetheless, is a dead-end. I realise that saying these things today, is far, far from consensus, and is in no uncertain ways a recipe for societal exclusion. I'll take that. I've already resolved to it. But this is not some prophetic martyrdom that I submit myself to. It is actually the only right path that I see. If you want to hope for a good future with Zionism, at least do the minimum to really see what it has meant for Palestinians. That is, surprisingly, perhaps the easier part. The harder part is to look the horrors in the eye, and then look yourself in the mirror, and see what Zionism has done to you.''
----Jonathan Ofir
Patriot in Kampala,East Africa:UMBS is a registered organization devoted to matters of interest to Muslims in Uganda.Muslims from other countries are welcome to join us too. Follow us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/UMBSFORUM. To donate to UMBS activities, click on: http://um-bs.com/donate/ or just deposit money on UMBS Bank A/C at Bank of Africa:07074320002 .
Patriot in Kampala,East Africa:UMBS is a registered organization devoted to matters of interest to Muslims in Uganda.Muslims from other countries are welcome to join us too. Follow us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/#!/UMBSFORUM. To donate to UMBS activities, click on: http://um-bs.com/donate/ or just deposit money on UMBS Bank A/C at Bank of Africa:07074320002 .
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