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{UAH} Abbey/Ms Ogwapiti/Mr Owana: We need to see one page bio on the 9 judges of the Supreme Court set to hear the election petition


The Press reports that nine judges of the Supreme Court-looks like the entire bench-will hear the election petition.  Can the press ask the judiciary or JSC to release one page bio of the 9 nine judges. Basically who are the 9 judges and how did they get to the country's highest court?  It would be helpful to know who they really are.  This should be routine information. For example, how did they perform in law school?  What did they do after law school? How many made their way from the bottom of the judiciary? How many practiced law in private practice before? How many served as state attorneys before? How many taught law, where and for how long?

Abbey: if you can please send such a request to the Judiciary spokesperson or Chief Registrar, the JSC or the Uganda media centre.  Ugandans deserve to know a lot more about the women and men set to determine the future of their country.  That said, I share your pessimism that I see nothing to believe otherwise.  Actually, if anything I see a lot worse. Ugandans completely lost faith in the EC/elections. The voters went to the polls but the EC simply sampled polling stations and decided the winner. The key word here is sampling.   If anyone had any illusions about the backwardness of the EC they were answered by the EC's actions.

So here is my prediction: when the Supreme Court makes it ruling, it will most likely complete the total exposure of  Uganda's institutions as if the ordinary voters believe otherwise.

Okay,  I know some have insisted that NOTWISHSTANDING the Coram , the Supreme may surprise. may be. but that would be the shock of the century.

Btw, I have another take , which is that  this petition is an exercise meant to rehabilitate the EC and YKM's image by providing Ofwono Opondo and others with talking points. That is why YKM willingly and enthusiastically received the petition in State House from JPAM's lawyers.  Yes many Ugandans being gullible are being played.

Anyways, try to request for one page bio of the Judges. I wish we could also get such info about the 36 lawyers representing NRM, the 60 representing JPAM and the others representing the EC.

The nine judges are the Chief Justice  Bart Magunda Katureebe, Lady justices Easter Kisakye, Stella Arach-Amoko,  Faith Mwodha and Lilian E. Tibatemwa. Lord justices Augustine Nshimye, Rubby Opio Aweri, Jonathan Tumwesigye.


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