Uganda's military dictator, Museveni has always used the global fight against terrorism to suppress internal political dissent while at the same time blackmailing the West. He has enacted draconian laws aimed at suppressing internal dissent by curtailing freedom of movement, assembly, privacy, and gross human rights abuses. Whenever he is politically cornered both domestically and at the international scene, he uses the terror scare as a gat away. The same scare is used to blackmail the West whenever they close in on his autocracy whereby he either threatens to withdraw his army from the Somalia Mission or he organises both hoax and stage managed terror scares that target specific targets in the capital Kampala. In 2010 when the West had come out tough against his seeking another presidential term, he was reluctant to even declare that he would contest in the Feb. 2021 general elections. When Kampala was allegedly attacked by Alshabab, USA's Obama gave him a call promissing all sorts of assistance in fighting terrorism thus Museveni simply embarked on a campaign trail for another round of a sham electoral process. Since then no other terror attack has taken place in Uganda save for the so called 'foiled terror attacks' designed to curtail internal political dissent and freedoms. In the same regard, had it not been for the Pope's visit in late last year, another terror attack would have taken place in Kampala aimed at curtailing opposition campaigns and instilling fear among the voters. The absence of that scare accounts for the huge enthusiasm, stiff campaigns, and vigilance exhibited in the just concluded general election. Even in the ongoing electoral standoff between the regime and the main opposition party over the disputed election results, there is no doubt that Museveni and co. must beorganising either a stage managed terrorist attack (which they will blame on the opposition) so that they get an excuse of carrying out a bloody crack down on the opposition and other dissenting Ugandan thus ending the impasse. Also, they must be organising a concocted armed attack on government installation hence treasonous charges that will achieve the same results. Its for the same reasons that rebel ADF's Jamil Mukulu has never been tried - there is some negotiations going on between the regime and his team so as to implicate some leading opposition leaders in treasonous activities.
Posted by Uganda - A Change of Guards! a
Viele GruBe
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