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{UAH} Lent Reflections with Bishop Robert Barron - Day 30

Lent Day 30
Beyond the Mind You Have
Jesus begins his ministry by saying, "This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand. Repent and believe the Good News!" (Mark 1:15).

A new order has broken in—that's what the reign of God means. Something new has emerged in Jesus himself and it amounts to a new way of ordering things. 

Now what do we have to do? 

Metanoiete, says Jesus. What the word means literally is "go beyond the mind that you have." See things in a new way; think about the world differently.

Immediately after giving this speech, Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John, and they leave everything behind: livelihood, family, worldly hopes, whatever ambitions they had—and they follow him. 

This is the freedom that comes from conversion, from the attitude of detachment. They are no longer tied down—wrapped up, as it were, in their nets. Now they are free to follow the promptings of the Lord.

What does this mean for us today? The same thing it meant for the first followers of Christ. Go beyond the mind that you have. Repent. Live as though nothing in this world finally matters. 

When you do this you will be living in the kingdom of God!

Paul Mugerwa

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