The normally militarized city of Kampala on the 31st of March 2016 commenced with a unique form of protests dubbed "Break the chain "a campaign to free the president Dr. Kizza Besigye who is on his 44th day in illegal detention in his house in Kasaganti.
The reality of the day was that the whole country including the security was so consumed by what judgment the supreme court would return in regards to the petition filed by a former presidential contestant John Patrick Amama Mbabazi.
This kind of protest was of a unique level, in that gallant protesters strapped themselves with chain links very conspicuous and strategic areas of the city of Kampala. The first strike of the day was at around a few minutes past 8am local time in the famous clock tower on Entebbe highway.
The whole action was smartly executed and it exposed the incompetence of the Uganda police. There were faces visibly irritated police officers seeing the sight of a strapped protestor, who are very peaceful and holding a placard written "#FREEBESIGYE and #FREEMYVOTE "and many more other texts. The police were stuck because they didn't have chain breakers at the scenes and the crowd kept building up momentarily around the protesters, it, in fact, became iconic for the general publics to pose for selfies with the protestors while others were cheering them and showering the protestors with goodies.
The exercise of these fearless throw the police into paranoia and their response was panicky ,things like to cordon off roads in the city center to try to curtail the elusive protesters, city center roads were unceremoniously sealed off sealed by the reactionary police force, one of the landmark roads in the center of Ugandan activist Katonga road was sealed off by the police suspecting the operation was being directed from that location ,however their search yielded nothing in retaliation the police started to pepper spraying journalists covering the protest and appending them and thrown behind bars for doing their duties.
The protestors code named "Free my votes agents" continued to strike again and again at different locations all over the center of business districts of Kampala in places like William Street,Mapera house near the fortified city square,Arua park etc. In all those places it attracted cheerful crowds who converged around the fearless chained up agents calling them heroes.
Though eventually the police managed to arrest the protestors and whisked them to different police stations around the city but it's not yet known what offenses they will charge the protesters with. Some of the protestors were; Kiyemba George,Bukenya Mahad,Kasaga John,Askia Muhamad and Lubuuka Simon Peter.
We are monitoring this new Achilles heels for the Uganda police very closely. Whole in whole it was a smartly planned and executed the campaign, which is bound to shake the police authorities as to who they failed to gather any intelligence about the unique kind of protest that rocked Kampala. Especially on a day they country was so tensely waiting for the verdict from the supreme court of Uganda, I can say these protesters have trended the stories on the social media more than the court ruling.
Written By Moses Atocon
D/Publicity UG-DP10
Atocon Moses Atyekwo mosesatocon@msn.com @twitter: @AtyekwoM Skype:Atomose |
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