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Pres Mugabe pours cold water on succession debate, says he wants to rule for life...... says-he-wants-to-reach-100-yrs/‎Cached
3 days ago ... Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has squashed the hopes of factions within
his Zanu PF party positioning to succeed him, saying he is ...

95 year old Robert Mugabe, an octogernarian who can hardly stand for two minutes and is almost premanently asleep and enconsed deep in the inner recesses of cloud-cuckoo land, has declared his determination to hold on to power even beyond 100 years of age. Uncle Bob, as he is derisively known, started well, elevating Zimbabwe to the top rank in literacy and higher education in Africa within a mere 10 years. But since then the African curse has struck the brutal dictator. He now believes that the country belongs to him, his wife Grace Mugabe, and his close cronies grouped within the formerly nationalist party called ZANU-PF, but now turned into a gangster party populated by mafia-like characters that commits violence on Zimbabwean people on a daily basis. Uncle Bob has no ideas left to run the country and has run its economy down to the ground and into total ruin. Zimbabweans today have no currency of their own, and have to use wheel-barrows stacked with useless bundles of notes to buy a loaf of bread or kilo of maize meal. Mugabe is intent on punishing the Zimbabwean people for the remainder of his life time because he is convinced he owns the country and he can do with it what he wants. Mugabe has set a very dangerous example for the 89 year old fart, Yoseri Kayibanda Museveni, the blood-soaked Rwandan outlaw who inflicts violence on Ugandans on a daily basis. Even though he is doubly incontinent and wears adult diapers (sanitation pads) or nappies, Kayibanda wants to hang on to power until he too dies from the effects of his HIV/AIDS condition. Unlike Uncle Bob, who is a highly educated intellectual with 7 degrees, Kayibanda is a university drop-out and semi-literate and therefore has the propensity to commit far worse crimes and atrocities than Mugabe because of his lack of basic education and poor upbringing. Kayibanda runs per, capita, the most corrupt government in living memory. Kayibanda has amassed illegal wealth now estimated at a shocking $12 billion, most of it stashed away in off shore bank accounts. Like Robert Mugabe, Kayibanda too wants to rule for life and has recently been trasferring the vast illegal powers that he holds to his fat-bottomed wife, the owl-eyed Janet Kataha. Africa can never rise from the doldrums unless we get rid of criminals who think they own us. We are a free people, with a free will and reserve the right to rule ourselves. Thats why the Reign of Terror in Uganda must be brought to an end.

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