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The Star Of Africa: British Crown Jewels?

Photo: The Cullinan Diamond, the biggest diamond in the world that was found in South Africa and is now "the Queens property".

Among the famous gem-stones known as the Crown Jewels is 'The First Star of Africa'. The largest flawless cut diamond in the world weighing 530 carats. It is now mounted on the Queen's Sceptre and purportedly represents "the Queens temporal power under God".
'The Second Star of Africa' is a 317 carat diamond that is placed on the Imperial State Crown.
The Queen wears this crown after the coronation service, a particular ritual at Westminster Abbey Church where the crown is put on her head.
This Imperial State Crown actually contains 2,783 diamonds, 17 sapphires , 277 pearls, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies. Most from different colonies, particularly India. It is also what the Queen wears when she goes to open the British Parliament. A place that they call "The House of Lords".
The people "pray" to these "Lords" when aggrieved.
Both diamonds, The First Star of Africa and The Second Star of Africa, were cut from the celebrated "Cullinan Diamond" (pictured).
This is the largest diamond ever found on this planet. It weighs around 3,000 carats.
The Cullinan was given to King Edward VII by the racist colonial Government of the Transvaal (South Africa) in 1907.
I wonder what it's like wearing jewelry plundered from Africa especially by the architects of Apartheid.
The haunting history/legacy behind some of these so-called Crown Jewels makes them quite inhumane to don.
The Black Princes Ruby for example, has a gruesome background.
It is believed to have originated from the historic ruby mines in present day Tajikistan. In middle of the fourteenth century it was in the possession of Abu Sa'id, the Moorish Prince of Granada.
That is how it is said to have got the name "The Black Princes Ruby".
Abu Said was killed in Spain by one Don Pedro during the Spanish reconquest. Upon checking the dead mans pockets, Don Pedro discovered the ruby and pocketed it himself. It is now being put on the Queens head by a high priest during coronation.
Another jewel called the St. Edwards Sapphire was once on a ring worn by Edward 'the Confessor' in the year 1042. It was buried with him in 1066. But in 1101 his shrine was reportedly opened, the ring was removed from his finger, and the Sapphire now sits on the British crown.
If it was me I would have long given back all these gruesome jewels to the peoples and countries of origin rather than put them on my head.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin

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