Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 22:05:27 +0100
From: langoassociationuk@gmail.com
Dear Community Members, Families and colleagues,
It's just 3 days to go to London Marathon 2016, which I will be running to raise funds For Lango Association Charity. The Marathon itself will be this Sunday 24 April 2016. Although official start time is 10am for my category, I might not start actual running until 10:30 due to crowds effects (with about 36,000 people of different speed limit) taking part, meaning I could start by walking, jogging, and a lot of overtaking to get a good time. It should be great fun exercise for 26.2 miles or 42km tramping the streets of London. I hope you can all look out for me. If you are lucky depending on what stage I am, you will see a swanky young lad, speeding past everyone (with his wave blowing everyone by as he goes) or you might see an image of this poor young man, wearing his running number… attached with print of my name and cause "GEOFF, FOR LANGO CHARITY", looking tired, lonely, miserable and being overtaken by everyone including a mascot wearing chicken or telephone booth. I know how the second imagery would ruin your day, therefore am going for the first one. But there is something you can do for me to put me in the mood party on the day and that will come in next paragraph, but please keep reading (we are all in this together).
My training have not been perfect, a bit of niggling injury here and there. I hope to finish in 3.5 hours, which would be nearly half an hour improvement from last year. This year it's a simple attire, a running vest and shorts or whatever seems comfortable on the day. But next year if I have a chance, I will run in a Lango or Masai Warrior attire or a cool chicken wearing dark shades and donning a Scottish kilt.
So far the fundraising aspects has gone very well and we have raised nearly £1000 of our £3000 target towards Lango Association good causes. Some of you have already donated. We have a whatsapp group created to coordinate this fundraising, being managed by all LA UK committee members. We also have many people raising through their work colleagues and friends on our behalf. There is opportunity for you to take part too. The donation and campaign will run for 3 months until 31 August 2016 (please feel free to be generous), as we are aiming to raise, and it would be great to raise well over that. Please feel free to pledge your donation and we shall acknowledge and forward you how to make payments shortly.
Now some of you may be wondering what a good amount to donate is. The advice I gave to colleagues in the committee was £50 donation each represents a good amount. Fortunately, for them that's what we are going with (not that they had much choice, a very fair dictatorship indeed). But for the rest of you please donate what you can afford (less is more and more is good). As indicated we have up to 31 August 2016 for people to honour their pledges.
Those of you who would like to approach your work places on our behalf, I have attached a sponsor form, please include your name on top right corner to say you are fundraising on our behalf and notify myself or a committee member. Please for now just take name their name and contact information, as our online donation link will be forwarded. We do not want to miss this Marathon week.
Please forward this information to colleagues and friends, not in receipt of this communication for their attention and support.
Thanks for all your support.
Geoffrey Odur (07846 240155, odurgo@gmail.com)
Secretary LAUK.

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