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An African or black can be a genius and be anything s/he wants to be just like a white person.Genius don't become geniuses because of religion,tribe,race, culture or even education.They have a one-of-a-kind capacity that is simply fortuitous, and is much more a function of being at the right place at the right time.Einstein was genius because he was a genius but he was not a genius because he was Jewish. Some Jews have been successful, others not. So, Jews aren't inherently superior because of: genetics, religion, family background, culture, combination. Africans can be as successful as anybody else if we put our mind to it.

Intelligence is NOT transmitted genetically. Genes can only promote the development of proteins and body tissue (including nerve cells). So you can have millions of children with highly interconnected brains, but if they are not properly educated, they will probably be autistic! The brain must SHED its unused interconnections (usually happens from 8-12, I believe(see Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter, a good book on the brain). Otherwise, there is no focus. But intelligence is not just a matter of education. It's a matter of culture, of milieu, of what you can absorb from your life's experiences.

Intelligence is such an individual trait that even if there was some particular race (can't be Jewish, way too mixed) of humans that were endowed with a greater capacity to perceive more, this would not translate into intelligence.

This is clear in the number of animal experiments they've done where by isolating a young animal without stimulation of any kind, they simply lay around and wither away as adults. Intelligence is a product of very peculiar conditions and cannot be traced to any race, much less to any ethnicity.

In addition, intelligence is not the only parameter by which to judge people. Compassion, humanity, capacity to love, to forgive, to get along to be industrious, to have sensibilities and sensible taste, that capacity to organize to have a sense of social responsibility, civic duty, respect, etc. ALL of this goes into making a person. Just because someone is intelligent doesn't mean he's good, or that his efforts will even be worthwhile. That's why I believe that everybody should be given a chance to demonstrate their abilities in something regardless of their level of education. That's why I believe its unfair for one man to think that he's wiser that millions of Ugandans, and that he's irreplaceable as president. Anybody can be president and everybody has got something a bit different to offer to the population. All they need is that one chance, and bang!


*Abbey Kibirige  Semuwemba*

Stalk my blog at:

"My journey is long and my preparation is so little, and weakness has gripped me and death is chasing me!"

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