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{UAH} Edmund/Pojim/WBK: Makau Mutua's bulky 85-page CV that JSC rejected | The Star, Kenya

Makau Mutua's bulky 85-page CV that JSC rejected

Makau Mutua has become the subject of criticism following the rejection of his application for the CJ position despite a bulky 85-page resume.

Most of the controversial law professor's CV contains academic work- publications, papers, articles, books and seminars. His education background only takes a few paragraphs.

Three pages of the CV are consumed by the awards and honours he has received including the Distinguished Africanist Award.

Other are the New York African Studies Association, Education Award, City of Buffalo and Mwongozi (Leadership) Award, Kenya National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission Award.

Mutua attached four complete publications- Human Rights Standards: Hegemony, Law, and Politics, Albany, New York: SUNY Press (2016), Human Rights NGOs in East Africa: Political and Normative Tensions [editor], Kenya's Quest for Democracy: Taming Leviathan, Boulder and Human Rights: A Political and Cultural Critique.

Articles, book chapters and reviews devoured seven pages of the CV while reports and policy documents knocked off two other pages. 

But it was newspapers and magazine articles that took 39 pages.

Without flinching, Mutua lists all the articles he wrote while working as a columnist for the Sunday Nation and the Standard on Sunday.

Two of the stories ran under the headlines 'Attorney General has been misused and should resign' and 'Obama's visit served to endorse an undeserving regime'.

Others were headlined: 'There are warning signs Jubilee team could be sent home in 2017', 'Why I won't refer to Uhuru Kenyatta as the President', 'Four reasons why Kenya can't be ruled from The Hague' and 'I am convinced that Uhuru is his own worst enemy'.

Selected "invited lectures, speeches and presentation" took 15 pages of Mutua's speech while the remaining pages were divided between his academic and university service and consultancies.

Mutua, former anti-corruption chief Aaron Ringera and Supreme Court judge Jackton Ojwang' did not make it to the six-name shortlist for Willy Mutunga's successor that was released on Tuesday.

More on this: Makau Mutua, Aaron Ringera fail to make CJ shortlist as JSC pick six

Makau Mutua's bulky 85-page CV that JSC rejected | The Star, Kenya

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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