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Obama ubruptly seals court records of Terry murder (cartels stalking agents w/ ATF walked guns) - Obama trash talks US education to .AU teens

U.S. Seals Court Records Of Border Patrol’s Murder

Liberty Alerts, Corruption Chronicles

The Obama Administration has abruptly sealed court records containing alarming details of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a U.S. Border patrol agent with a gun connected to a failed federal experiment that allowed firearms to be smuggled into Mexico.

This means information will now be kept from the public as well as the media. Could this be a cover-up on the part of the “most transparent” administration in history? After all, the rifle used to kill the federal agent (Brian Terry) last December in Arizona’s Peck Canyon was part of the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious. Conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the disastrous scheme allowed guns to be smuggled into Mexico so they could eventually be traced to drug cartels.

Instead, federal law enforcement officers lost track of more than 1,000 guns which have been used in numerous crimes. In Terry’s case, five illegal immigrants armed with at least two semi-automatic assault rifles were hunting for U.S. Border Patrol agents near a desert watering hole just north of the Arizona-Mexico border when a firefight erupted and Terry got hit...cont'd


Fast and Furious: Brian Terry’s Killers Were "Hunting" Border Patrol Agents (w/ ATF walked guns)
Maybe this is why the indictment was sealed.


ATF Death Watch 120: Drug Thugs Stalked U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with ATF-Enabled Guns


Drive through NJ, get 5 years prison. (Man attempting to flee to freedom, has to sleep enroute in the crime cesspool state of NJ, who "often parked in bank or church parking lots to sleep while he traveled because they were well lit, often patrolled by police and therefore safer". Keeping a gun nearby, those very cops get him 5 years prison for self defense with a weapon whose magazine capacity exceeded 10, which NJ has deemed an "illegal gun"). 

First Brian Aitken (while moving back to NJ from CO), now will Chris Christie step up to the plate yet again in his armpit-of-America liberal baske case state? 

Texan passing through New Jersey sentenced to five years in prison on gun charges
Published: Monday, November 21, 2011, 3:01 PM Updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 7:51 PM
Lillian Shupe/Hunterdon County Democrat By Lillian Shupe/Hunterdon County Democrat

READINGTON TWP. — A Texas man who was convicted of weapons charges at a trial he did not attend was sentenced on Friday to five years in state prison.

It all started on March 20, 2009, after police said they found 26 firearms in Dustin Shane Reininger’s SUV.

According to police here, Readington Patrolman Gregory Wester saw the vehicle around 3:30 a.m. parked in the back of Wachovia Bank on Route 22. When he approached, he saw two guns on the back seat and Reininger asleep in the driver’s seat, according to police.

Reininger, now 38, of Rockport, Texas, initially denied having any guns but later told police he was moving from Maine to Texas and that the guns were registered to him and not loaded, police said. Reininger admitted that he had a handgun and an AR-15 assault rifle in the SUV, police said.

Reininger’s SUV was towed to headquarters, police obtained a warrant and searched the truck, reporting they found 23 long guns, of which five are classified as “assault” firearms; three handguns; and high-capacity magazines and hollow-point bullets.
Authorities said one handgun was loaded with hollow-point bullets, which are prohibited in New Jersey except under limited circumstances.

Reininger posted $100,000 bail and was released from the county jail four days after his arrest. He did not return to New Jersey, but was told the trial would happen without his presence. The two-day long trial was held in Flemington in August 2010 before Superior Court Judge Stephen Rubin.

The jury found Reininger guilty of unlawful possession of rifles, third degree; unlawful possession of shotguns, third degree; possession of prohibited weapons or devices, fourth degree; possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines, fourth degree; hindering apprehension, third degree; and obstructing the administration of law, fourth degree.

After the verdict was delivered, Judge Rubin revoked Reininger’s bail and issued a warrant for his arrest.

With help of the United States Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force, Reininger was taken into custody by the Galveston County Sheriff’s Department on April 14. Since his return to New Jersey in September he has been held in the county jail without bail.

When he was arrested in Texas, authorities there charged him with failure to identify and intent to give false information to law enforcement officers.

A web site defending Reininger and asking for help in paying for legal costs has been set up by his family. According to the site, Reininger claims his federal constitutional rights have been violated and says he is innocent. He argues that state law cannot supersede federal law.

According to the site, Reininger often parked in bank or church parking lots to sleep while he traveled because they were well lit, often patrolled by police and therefore safer.
He claims police only searched his SUV because he had Texas plates and therefore the officer assumed there would be weapons. He claims the search began before a warrant was obtained.

The web site claims that Reininger was too sleepy when police were questioning him to respond intelligently, but gives great detail of what happened from his point of view.

Reininger turned down an offer that would have had him serve 90 days in jail if he pleaded guilty to four counts, the site said. Reininger rejected the deal because he did not want to have a criminal record, according to the site. He did not expect to be convicted because he thought he would be cleared based on federal law, the site said.

Reininger also claims his two ex-wives have been spreading lies about him because they are mad that he divorced them. However, Reininger was arrested in Maine in 2008 and charged with threatening his first wife with a gun. The second wife also made claims of domestic violence, according to official reports.


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City Bomb Plot Suspect Is Called Fan of Qaeda Cleric



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"





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