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From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 2:58 AM



1.      The key issue about Barack Hussein Obama is not that he is fulfilling prophecies left right and centre, it is when he arrives on the scene and starts fulfilling the prophecies. His timing is perfect as shown below using biblical and non biblical sources.

2.      In 1217, Rabbi ben Samuel (German Hassidic rabbi, 1140-22 Feb 1217) gave predictions about the future of Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah.

3.      He said “When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem, they will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees. Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee, and then in the ninth jubilee it will once again come back into the possession of the Jewish nation – which would signify the beginning of the Messianic end time.”

  1. It has been said “If this Sabbatical Messianic cycle 2009-2017 is completed and the GogUMogog war does begin within the year between Rosh Hashanah 2015 to Rosh Hashanah 2016, then the Messianic Era will commence before Rosh Hashanah 2017.” If so, the Epic Year of the Messiah will be here on Rosh Hashanah 2016 or the Jewish year of 5000 plus 777 years."

1.      In effect he is saying that the end will come 2016/2017. 2017 is the magic year. In Genesis 6:3 the Lord said “my spirit will not always strive with man for that he also is flesh, yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years(120 years)” God works in Jubilee years (50 years) hence his spirit will be with man for 120 jubilees or 6000 years. From Adam (4000BC to today is 6000 years (or 120 jubilees years hence time for God’s rest and the calculations point to 2017 as the actual day of God’s rest.

2.      As the pious Rabbi ben Samuel predicted, 8 jubilees is 50 years x 8 = 400 years. The Ottoman Turks gained control of Jerusalem in the year 1517 and held power over Jerusalem for 400 years, when they were conquered in 1917, by the British military forces under the command of British military General Edmund Allenby on Hanukkah, December 17, 1917.  Incredible prediction.

3.      He also predicted that; “Afterwards Jerusalem will become no-man’s land for one jubilee (50 years).” It is incredible that from the year of 1917 when the British Mandate controlled the city of Jerusalem, Jerusalem did become under international law a “no-man’s land for one jubilee”.  From 1917, it was exactly 50 years as he predicted that the Israeli army captured the city of Jerusalem in the Six Day War on June 17, 1967. After 50 years as predicted, Jerusalem returned for the first time to the control of the Jewish-Israeli ownership since the day when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 CE. Incredible and supernatural prediction.

4.      For those who are too learned to accept information on google, youtube, facebook, they can read books or works about Rabbi Judah ben Samuel from the works of Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon Luria, a mystic dealing with the messianic world (Jerusalem, 1531-1572, Safed); Joseph Solomon Delmegido (1591 Candia – 1655 Prague), a mathematician and astronomer (“Mazref le-Chochma”), Azulai I (1724-1806), a famed bibliographer; Samuel David Luzzatto (1800-1865), a Bible scholar; historian Heinrich Graetz (1817-1891); and Torah scholar Jacob Epstein (1925-1993). 

5.      Barack Hussein Obama, just arrives at the right time, fulfilling prophecies as if there is no tomorrow, to complete his father the Devil's work by end of 2016, just before the predicted 2017. What a cosmic timing.

6.      To decipher this Hussein Obama antichrist figure, it is germane and apropos to compare his entry into Jerusalem and that of General Sir Edmund Allenby. Below is the famous public photo of dismounted General Sir Edmund Allenby entering the Holy City of Jerusalem on foot on Hanukkah on December 11, 1917 to show respect for the holy place.




8.      The Holy Land and Jerusalem were taken possession of in the year of 1917 by the British General Edmund Allenby on Hanukkah, December 17, 1917.  Allenby halted the British Army some twenty miles away from Jerusalem the great city and sent a telegram directly to King George V. saying: “I will not fire British Guns on God’s City” signed Allenby.   

9.      The British King was surprised how this General wants to take the city without firing guns. Does he want to fight with prayers? The King is famously known for mockingly having wired him back with one word PRAY!”  

10.   And the next day the Turks after being informed of the strength of the British force stationed 20 miles away, left without a shot being fired and Allenby led the British Army into Jerusalem. Praise to his mighty name for he draws a straight line through crooked ways.

11.   Even after the Ottomans or Turks left, General Allenby said “Jesus rode into this city hence I cannot ride into it also. I will dismount my horse and will walk into the city even at the risk of my own safety” and he walked into the city out of respect to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said the earth is the Lord’s footstool and Jerusalem is his city. Look at General Allenby above walking out of respect.


12.   Compare the actions and utterances of General Allenby when he was about to take over Jerusalem and that of the Anti Christ character of Barack Hussein Obama, who comes charging in with Air Force One, riding on the head of the donkey of the Democratic Party and causing daily sacrifices and oblations in the Church of Nativity (holiest place on earth) to cease and no lambs sacrificed to God for his own safety/pleasure with no respect whatsoever to God/Jesus just as it was foretold that he will do. His pleasure/safety comes before that of God. Incredible.

13.   His words, his deeds, and the timing of his arrival all bear testimony that Barack Hussein Obama is the ONE we have been expecting for 2000 years.



Posted by: Martin Tumasang <>

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