{UAH} Ronnie Mayanja the Master of Confusion and Misinformation on UNAA Matters:
Ronnie Mayanja the Master of Confusion and Misinformation on UNAA Matters:
My fellow UNAA Members and friends of UNAA,
I send you warm greetings from Los Angeles as you get ready for the Labor Day weekend. I know many of you will be attending the Ugandan North American Convention (UNAA) in Boston and others headed for UNAA Festival in Los Angeles.
But before I start I must put a disclaimer that whatever I am going to write concerns UNAA maters and has nothing to do with other agencies or organizations that am I am associated with.
First, I would like to correct the innuendos, insinuations and misinformation written about me by Ronnie Mayanja on his blog/social media entitled, "UNAA what went wrong". Mr. Ronnie Mayanja as always does not surprise me with his information gap and lack of knowledge especially when it comes to research, reading and facts. He has invested himself in deceit, "copy and paste" and on occasion outright plagiarism on majority of his Blogs.
In his recent one blog on his social media, entitled, "UNAA what went Wrong" Mr. Mayanja writes,
"…In Orlando during Captain Frank Musisi's reign as UNAA President the existence of a company not known to some board members was listed as a commission agent to all UNAA hotel contracts to date Helms Briscoe and its connections to UNAA has never been properly explained to members".
The statement above by Mr. Mayanja was intended to mislead, confuse, insinuate and paint a picture of "Captain Frank Musisi" as someone who did some dubious business with Helms Briscoe! My fellow UNAA members the opposite is true. For the record, I have never done business, nor known Helms Briscoe, as Mr. Ronnie Mayanja would have us to believe in his article.
Just so you know how shallow and lack of research on Mr. Mayanja in all his writings on his blog about me, here below are the facts about the Helms Briscoe:
1) Upon taking the UNAA Presidency in 2007 in San Francisco, a group of UNAA Members approached me and informed of "some improper" deals done in the Orlando, UNAA hotel contract. The UNAA members wanted me to investigate the matter.
2) As a man of ethics, integrity and also who believes in the due process, I decided to appoint a committee of Senior UNAA Members to look into the matter.
3) On Thursday, December 27, 2007, I appointed a "UNAA Presidential Advisory and Review Committee. Committee members included: Dr. Frank Sseguya Kiyimba Matovu of Atlanta, Georgia as the Chairman, other members were Olive Aneno of Tennessee, Peace Kanusu of Canton, Georgia, Samuel Mwanja Kiggwe of Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Emmanuel Kintu of Honolulu, Hawaii, Paul Mugerwa of San Francisco, California, Margaret Musoke of Seattle, Washington, and Dr. Abu Senkayi of Dallas Texas. The purpose of the Committee was to review three separate contracts that I inherited and advise the UNAA President on the way forward:
a) The contract between UNAA and the World Resort Marriot, Orlando, FL
b) The contract between UNAA and Mr. Charles Odere, a Kampala Lawyer
c) The memorandum of understanding between UNAA and the International School Uganda (ISU).
I will only concentrate on the Helms Briscoe Contract:
4) On February 15, 2008, the Committee delivered its findings in a report, "Report of the 2008 UNAA Presidential Advisory and Review Committee to the President". The UNAA President shared the report with all UNAA Board Members including Mr. Ronnie Mayanja then Board Member, who today does not seem to remember anything about UNAA business when he writes, "to date Helms Briscoe and its connections to UNAA has never been properly explained to members"
5) FINDINGS: On Helms Briscoe:
"Of concern to the Committee, on a unanimous basis, is the role played by Helms Briscoe in arranging this Convention and securing this contract between UNAA and Marriott World Resort, Orlando. The letter appointing Helms Briscoe was undated, open-ended, is/was to perform on behalf of UNAA. The other major concern is the method used to calculate the fee that Helms Briscoe was paid under this contract. Instead of a set fee, Helms Briscoe was paid a percentage of the hotel charge for all utilized rooms at the convention.
We find this objectionable. UNAA is a newly charity organization under the 501(c) 3 rule. The International Revenue Service (IRS) typically frowns upon payments to vendors or service providers on a percentage basis. This method of operation might expose UNAA to an IRS audit and possible revocation of charitable status."
a) "UNAA needs to work with the Marriott Orlando World Center Resort to correct what appears to be wrong with the contract. However, you out to strive for a win-win solution. We are going to bring the UNAA family to the hotel for several days; we need to strive for a healthy relationship with the hotel and amongst ourselves.
b) The arrangement with Helms Briscoe has to be reviewed, cleaned-up, and then revised or terminated. If it is kept in place, you ought to make sure the expectations (and deliverables) are clear and that Helms Briscoe will be paid a stated fee and not a percentage of the registration fees for fulfilling the expectations".
After the Orlando UNAA Convention, I personally led the negations for both the Chicago Marriott Hotel and Gaylord Hotel in Washington DC. There were no contract fees paid. All this information was well shared with Mr. Ronnie Mayanja as then "UNAA Board Member representing Eastern U.S" on the UNAA Board. I strongly believe that Mr. Mayanja motive in insinuating or even trying to connect me with Helms Briscoe was intentional, intended to damage my good name and reputation!
I would also like the current UNAA leadership and members to investigate whatever happened to the UNAA Times, an online UNAA news. Where is its data? Who took the UNAA cyber assets belonging to UNAA Times?
I have taken the liberty to elaborate and correct the misleading confusion caused by Mr. Ronnie Mayanja in his missive. I am a firm believer that Integrity and honesty are the pillars of leadership. When you are a leader, you ought to lead by example, thus I could not sit back and let innuendos stand as facts.
Frank Musisi, Los Angeles California
UNAA Member
Past UNAA President: 2007 – 2009.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
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