{UAH} NEITHER Hillary NOR Trump on Education
In my first part, I explained that a win by Trump or Hillary will not significantly affect the healthcare needs of Ugandan Americans (or blacks in general). Today, I will show how education needs of most black people will NOT be significantly affected by a Trump or Hillary victory.
Primary/Elementary: We all know that elementary schools are the most important level of education (because it is the foundation). Elementary schools are governed by local school districts and mainly funded by state and local district funds. Most black voters (Ugandan Americans and African Americans), overwhelmingly vote for democrats and generally live in local areas governed by democrats and these areas generally have bad schools.
But BOTH democrat and republican local leaders block kids from poor areas from attending schools in good areas. In some cases, poor parents can be prosecuted for taking their kids to good schools outside their bad local district! American public elementary schools are free but they vary in quality. Generally, elementary schools in rich areas are well funded because local governments raise enough money (mostly from property taxes) to fund local schools. Unfortunately, most black people live in apartments (tenants don't pay property taxes) and in poor areas where property taxes are low (taxes a based on the value of the home...e.g a 2% tax on a million dollar home raises $40,000 but a 2% tax on a $100,000 house raises just $2,000). This creates huge disparity in funding for schools. Black kids are trapped in terrible schools and teacher unions team up with democrats to block funding for private schools. Worse, democrats in "liberal bastions" like California and New York block efforts to make states fund poor schools with same amounts as those spent in rich areas. A vote for Trump or Hillary will NOT change this sad reality!
College: a lot of black families can't afford college costs (most black kids end up in bad colleges because they attend bad elementary and high schools). The US president does not set college tuition. But they can affect tuition by limiting the amount of money available for loans and follow up how schools use the money. I think college costs keep rising because there is ready money available for student loans AND because BOTH democrats and republicans changed the law in 2006 to stop students from discharging student loans in bankruptcy. When I was in law School, I paid $50k per year and felt that though I got quality education, the school was using me to fund other activities in the university. If students like me didn't have access to student loans or if we could discharge our loans in bankruptcy, there would have been less money for unfair tuition increases.
Most importantly, government can follow up on how schools use the money. If they produce half-baked graduates, they should be blocked from federal loans. Neither Trump nor Hillary will care about restoring bankruptcy laws or checking availability of student loans or checking to see the quality of education offered to poor kids in bad colleges.
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