{UAH} UNAA Convention Observation 2
Annual General Meeting:
For the THIRD consecutive year, UNAA did not have quorum to start its annual general meeting. In San Diego 2014, we showed up and we wewre told that we'd have an informal townhall meeting becuase there was no quorum. That meeting was dominated by non-members from parliament in Kla. In 2015 New Orleans, again we failed to get quorum. This year, again we failed to get quorum.
The annual general meeting was scheduled to start at noon on Saturday. During the political forum, it was abruptly announced that the meeting had been moved to Sunday at noon. Then they scheduled TWO other events atthat time (forum for northern Uganda and a forum of women health). Then the meeting was moved to 1pm. Then it was moved to 2pm. Later it moved to an unknown time...but the official program on billboards around the hotel and on UNAA's website, they still showed that they meeting would be on Sat at noon!!!
At some point, the Chairman of the Board said that we should start the meeting with the numbers available. When he was about to start the meting, I informed him that there were just 22 members present...which meant that we had no quorum. No one opposed my observation but the Chairman told me that though we had no quorum, he would still go on. I asked him if we were having an uninformal townhall meeting but he didn't respond.
In my next posting, I'll show how the NRM is using the AGM to build its agenda. They had several ideas on cementing their control over UNAA. The NRM folks have also resumed blocking me on the official UNAA listserv...
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