UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


81. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in direct contact with the 

      Hillary campaign


82. Hillary's team working with hundreds of MSM news pundits

  • (in attachments)
  • "IMPACTING THE DIALOGUE: CTR has identified 372 surrogates including influential and frequent pundits on broadcast and cable news for Presidential 2016 politics and provided them around 80 sets of talking points…"

  • Once again, shows the media collusion with the Hillary campaign.


83. Katy Perry is a puppet for Hillary Clinton

  • Huma Abedin writes that they have to send Katy Perry to do an Arkansas event because Hillary is unwilling to ask her daughter to go. Katy Perry is such a puppet for them that they can use her as a replacement for Chelsea when needed.


84. Hillary tries to hide her tiny rallies

  • We know Hillary events have small crowds. But now we know many of the Hillary Campaign events were so small that the following policy was proposed.
  • That's right, they are talking about confiscating mobile devices, so the embarrassingly small crowds of under 100 people could never be reported. Complete artificial manufactured reality.

85. Hillary had a mole working on Biden's team

  • Earlier leaks revealed Clinton's staff had moles on Elizabeth Warren's team. Seems they had one in Biden's camp as well. Someone who helped to destroy Biden in return for a position. Ron Klain.


86. John Oliver caught colluding with Hillary's campaign

  • Mr. John "I hate corruption" Oliver doing business with the most corrupt "charity" on the face of the planet? Shocker…
  • John Oliver works for HBO, HBO is owned by Time Warner, Time Warner donates to Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton owns John Oliver.

87. Trouble with NBC so they call Chuck Todd to take care of it

  • Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, was livid when she was criticized by the MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski.  She then called for Brzezinski to "apologize" and told her co-worker Chuck Todd "this must stop." Even the DNC chair complained to MSNBC's president.
  • Just more media collusion.


88. Politico's Glenn Thrush colluding with Hillary's campaign, admits to

      being a "hack"

  • He sends a huge part of the article to John Podesta. Absolutely disgraceful. Podesta approves the section of course which showed him in a very positive light to begin with.
  • Don't worry Glenn Thrush of the Politico. I'm sure Podesta won't tell anyone you did this.


89. Hillary finds out more debate questions

  • "We have gotten intel that Neil Cavuto plans to ask a veterans question of the GOP candidates tonight. As you can guess, the candidates are very likely to attack the Secretary in their answers. Your press team, therefore, may find it useful to get this to reporters"
  • "Flagging that Bob B. heard that they could ask about carbon tax and late-term abortion restrictions. Solow and I are pulling debate book materials & running abortion answer by Jen & Rachel ahead of 3pm."

  • Clinton campaign is getting questions in advance AGAIN for debates. Previously they got a debate question from Donna Brazile. This time it is John Podesta that gets the email from Jon Soltz who somehow learned of a question Cavuto will ask in an upcoming Republican debate. Podesta immediately blasts this out to the whole campaign so they prepare for the fallout.


90. Hillary wants "successful business people" running for office 

      because "they cannot be bought"

  • "You know, I would like to see more successful business people run for office. I really would like to see that because I do think, you know, you don't have to have $30 billion, but you have a certain level of freedom. And there's that memorable phrase from a former member of the Senate: 'You can be maybe rented but never bought.' And I think it's important to have people with those experiences."

  • Admitting Trump can't be bought.  He has proven that over and over again, while Hillary (as discovered in these leaks) is nothing more than a greedy horsefly mindlessly heading towards the money zapper.


91. "We are finishing up the next round of TV scripts"

  • Unclear if it is Hillary who will be scripted or if the MSM will be scripted.  I'm thinking both, as has been proven in the leaks above many times.


92. Hillary doesn't write her own tweets, despite claiming "-H" means 

      she does

  • It took 8 hours for over 10 of Hillary Clinton's staffers to respond to a single tweet by Marco Rubio, which highlights the campaign's struggle to cover up Hillary's lack of accomplishments. The email shows the fake persona.
  • In the 3rd link, John Podesta receives Hillary's tweets for approval a few days in advance of the tweets going online. Together with previous leaks, it looks like Hillary doesn't have much input into any of "her" tweets. They are put together by a group of staffers.


93. On Hillary: "we just keep giving her poll-tested lines that don't 


  • Probably because she can't deliver the lines without sounding completely insincere.


94. Hillary extremely weak on topic of standing up to Wall Street

  • "I believe we started out the campaign about 20 points behind Sanders in Iowa on the question of who would best stand up to Wall Street and that was when we were about 40 points ahead. If you want to make the question of the campaign, who will best stand up to Wall Street, Sanders is the answer and he'll give you $35 million reasons why."


95. "Even a clown like Ted Cruz" could beat her


96. 'The Huffington Post' colluding with Hillary

  • "I am committed to make sure she is elected as the next President of United States. I am reaching out to my friends to raise money for her campaign. Please let me know if I can be of any service to you."
  • No doubt the entirety of Huffington Post is in it for Hillary when they display their "disclaimer" ("Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobe Hitler" or something along these lines) under every "article."

  • The author of this email once an "article" on the Huffington Post that Trump was "a sorcerer and a wizard". Yes... Huffington Post actually  published this.  That's why no one takes The Huffington Post seriously.


97. Clinton campaign memorizing their email cover-up script


98. Heavy press collusion over Cuba and Hillary's health

  • "The print stories on Cuba will largely be pre-written in the morning based on excerpts that we are providing tonight (Dan has gotten HRC signoff on them already for this purpose). The reporters will do some tiddying up of the stories as the speech is delivered/completed, but they will largely be filed as she goes on."

  • Blatant. Media. Collusion.

99. Employment rate - They confirm what Trump says

  • "Today in America we have economically disappeared, they don't score in jobs numbers or jobless claims numbers, they are a lost generation within the larger generation, Obama never talks about them because he wants to claim credit for the economy."

  • Admitting that the economic numbers they feed the public don't reflect reality.
  • Economic opportunity is always the #1 issue; Carville was right about this. Instead of addressing it head on, Hillary and team prefer to bury it deeper with tabloid smears.


100. Obama picked people in his administration from the suggestion 

        list of CiTi bank advisor/Wall St shill

  • "Barack - Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents: A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Sectetary levels, as well as lists of senior Native Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans and Disabled Americans. We have longer lists, but these are candidates whose names have been recommended by a number of sources for senior level jobs in a potential Administration."

  • Froman was a Citigroup Managing director until 2009. He's now championing the TPP as US trade rep.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"





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