UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


#1- The Smithsonian is a Racist British/English-Based Institution

Just by the mere fact that this project is labeled the Smithsonian African-American Museum, shows exactly who owns and control the agenda of every aspect of the project. According to Wikipedia, the origin of the Smithsonian is when the British Scientist James Smithson left most of his wealth to his nephew Henry James Hungerford and when the nephew died in 1835, the estate was passed "to the United States of America, to found at Washington, an establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge among men" under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, in accordance with Smithson's Will. Keep in mind that the Racist Smithsonian Institute Museum proudly displays the Statue of Eugenicist and Racist "White" Supremacist Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger is the founder of Planned Parenthood in which she personally stated that this organization was founded specifically to abort "Black" Babies. Do you all really think that this same Smithsonian African-American History Museum genuinely holds your cultural interests to inform you of your TRUE History on this Continental Landmass now contemporarily known as America (Ancient Names for America being Amexem, Africa, Asia, Al-kebulon, Turtle Island, Land of the Frogs, Muu-Lan, Atlan, Al Moroc, Al Maghrib Al Aqsa, etc.)?

#2- The Racial Term African-American as a race of people is a Political Diversion

Within the last Five Hundred (500) Years of Forced-Assimilation in the Americas, under the Christian-Crusade War-Strategy known as the Roman Catholic Inquisition on and against the Children of Ham/Kham/Khem, Natural Melanin-Rich Asiatics have been Colonially-Referred to as "Negroes", "Coloreds", "Blacks", and now the latest "Afro/African-American". The Racial Description African-American is still a State-Property Label associated with the myth of race as this term is found on no treaties, reflect no languages, writings, customs, traditions, flags, seals, currencies, etc. A person or a people's name is worth more than gold and the sound frequency vibration is tribally-meant to resonate with the attributes of your Creator/Creatress (of the Magnificent Universe). In other words, "your name is supposed to reflect God/Goddess or God/Goddess-Like Qualities." The Science of Conquering requires the immediate renaming of their victim to immediately disorient them from their God, themselves, and their ancestors, and to show a sign of instant debasement, insult, demoralization, status-change, etc. A name denotes ownership, property, possession, and control. If a name does not instantaneously connect you to a Documented History, Natural Landmass, and a Verified Culture, you are most certainly being called out of your name. If so-called African-Americans pay one wooden-nickel to get in this British/English-Sponsored Museum, they are truly the African-American Jack-Asses of the Planet. The Queen Albino-Vampire Bitch of England, along with the Pickle-Sucking Perverted Pedophile Pale-Face Pope, is still very much brokering your slavery.

#3- If "Messy Jesse" Jackson commented on this Smithsonian Scam, you know it ain't worth a dam

First of all, to revere any Man (especially so-called Reverend "Messy Jesse" Jackson, Al "Ultra-Perm Head" Sharpton, etc.) is straight blasphemy and borderlines Idol-Worship. Indigenous Aboriginal Natural Asiatics appropriately-revered Celestial-Objects and/or Celestial-Beings in the Cosmos (such as the Sun, Moon, Stars) in which they knew that their very existence depended on that Holy-Science and Divine-Government. Secondly, Messy Jackson literally said out of his mouth that this Smithsonian African-American Museum is a Game Changer. A Game Changer? Exactly what game is being played? Is it Poker? Blackjack? Monopoly? Pin-the-tail-on-the-Negro? Whatever game it is, we do know that the Crooked U.S. Dealer always win. So-called African-Americans (after 500 Years) do not need to change the game in the Crooked Casino, so-called African-Americans need to get the hell out of the Crooked Casino. This is and has been the job of these House-Negro Leaders (Bleeders) and these Snake-Oil Mega-Negro Preachers (Leechers) to keep Natural Asiatics stuck in a Wicked-Game (U.S. Matrix) of Incorrect Political-Status, Improper-Identity, Unlawful-Nationality, Dishonorable-Names, etc. so that they can keep getting gratuities and favoritism from their Colonial 'White" Slave-Massa at the detriment of their own HUE-Man Race and their own HUE-Man Kind. Messy Jesse is known to have helped set the climate for Martin Luther King's death so he can override the Economic Wealth Energy of so-called BLACKS, and now he is shamelessly supporting a British/English Smithsonian Museum for so-called African-Americans? AIN'T NO SHAME IN THEIR GAME !!! U.S. Poli-tricks at it's best.

#4- Land is truly the basis of power. Where is the African-American Land?

Remember, the Racist Smithsonian is the owner, controller, and founder of this so-called African-American Museum in which James Smithson was from Britain/England. In 1948, through the Balfour Declaration, it was England/Britain who authorized the Non-Valid Non-Authentic Pale "White" Imposter-Jews (Synagogues of Satan) to brutally-occupy the Ancient Lands of Palestine. The Original Palestinians are Afro-Asiatic Shemetic/Hamitic/khemetic Peoples (with the Default Natural Characteristics of Wide Noses, Thick Lips, Wooly/Bushy-Hair, and FULL Melanin Hue Pigmentation in their skin). The Modern-Day Apartheid State-of-Israel Inc. was allowed to commandeer Indigenous Lands under the ridiculous guise that the Original Jews (Yehudi) was returning home. So-called "Blacks/African-Americans" currently in North America no doubt carry the genotype, phenotype, and blood-type of the Original People of that Regional Landmass. Where is the Land for African-Americans? Barack Obama's Mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) is of "White" English-Descent so you know or you should know his position (unless you are still drunk and intoxicated from the Obama BLACK-Koolaid). Of course you know that they also had Golden-Boy/Smooth-Operator say some slick words at the Grand-Opening of this Political Event to keep so-called African-Americans under the Wicked U.S. Spell and it works better than Lucky Charms (U.S. Poli-tricks at it's finest).

I suggest that you download your free pdf copy of "We the Black Jews: Witness to the White Jewish Race Myth" by Yosef A.A. Ben-Jochannan at: 

Also take a look at "Signifying Indigenous" by Marsha Stewart

#5 African-Americans currently have Lucrative Bond Claims against U.nmistakably S.atan (U.S.) 

Every Certificate of Live Birth (State Birth Certificate) on the so-called African-American in the corporate UNITED STATES is first registered with the U.S. Bureau of Vital Statistics, registered with the U.S. Department of Commerce, and then bonded at the U.S. Department of Treasury in the bond amount of anywhere from $650,000 to $1,000,000. Then it is bought by the Federal Reserve. Then it is registered with the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), in which the Depository Trust Company (DTC) is one of the Primary Subsidiaries. It is then registered with the International Monetary Fund in Brussels Belgium. The Certificate of Live Birth is a Certificated Financial Security Bond Instrument and the Legal Person displayed on the certificate (in All Capital Letters, signifying a Legal Fiction Public Person) is the property of the Bankrupt U.S. Federal Corporation which was unconstitutionally-created in the year 1871. So-called African-Americans (by way of their Natural Mothers and/or Natural Fathers informing on them) unknowingly sign on to becoming the collateral for the Birth Certificate Bond which makes them serve as the surety for and accommodation party to the Legal Fiction Public Person displayed on the bond, ultimately for the purpose of them unknowingly serving as the underwriters of the U.S. Public Fictional National Debt. The International Monetary Fund gives the Bankrupt U.S. a credit on each Birth Certificate Bond. This makes every so-called African-American into Human Chattel, Human Cattle (Live-Stock), Human Property, and Human Resources. Is this not Child-Kidnapping and Child-Abduction, otherwise known as Human-Trafficking?


I guess Malcolm X was right when he said "the European WHITE-Man uses Christianity as a tool to wedge his way into Criminal Conquests."

The so-called African-American in North America has been Commercially-Conquered by an Unseen Straw-Hand, Publicly-Fronted through an Unseen Straw-Man, existing on Unseen Imaginary Straw-Land. All they need you to do is continue to believe in their "Magic" (the root word of the word Magic being Magi, as in Magistrate in their Commercial Courts when they sue you with a Fictitious Plaintiff and banish your "African-American" Butt to thirty (30) Years in a U.S. Debtor-Prison which are Publicly-Traded on the New York and World Stock Exchange).

In conclusion

Free your "BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN" Mind and your "BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN" Behind (Ass) will follow.

A Free People are not Ignorant and an Ignorant People are not Free !!!

(Attached is a pdf Flyer – Feel Free to print it out and pass it on)


Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"



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