From Kambale Musavuli, Friends of the Congo
(Source: Facebook post, October 14, 2016 at 2:22am )
I want to help those who follow our work with a short analysis to understand how devastating it is to read Podesta’s email pertaining to Rwanda and implicating the Congo. I hope you read the entire post, review the links, check the sources to see why I am furious reading Podesta’s email leaks. I wrote this for you…
It is so important for Congolese Americans and their allies in the United States to know this and understand that the folks going into the White House.
If they are Clintonites or Clintons themselves, we should be very worried about their past crimes in Africa, specifically their cover-up of the Congo genocide, as outlined in the 2010 UN Mapping Exercise Report, I quote: “Thus the apparent systematic and widespread attacks [by the Rwandan Military in the Congo] described in this report reveal a number of inculpatory elements that, if proven before a competent court, could be characterized as crimes of genocide.” page 14 – here.
History Line: In April of 2012, a rebellion kicked in the Congo whereby Rwanda directly financed, armed, trained rebels in the Congo who called themselves M23. The M23 killed Congolese people, displaced thousands and have sought refuge in Rwanda up until today.
In April 2012, Hillary Clinton was still the US Secretary of State who continued to block any sanction to Rwanda. During her time as secretary of state, the folks there kept talking about “QUIET DIPLOMACY” as what they were doing to put pressure of Rwanda.
Now to Podesta email leak, the former chief of staff of Bill Clinton in 1998 and the first president of the Center for American Progress in the early 2000s.
On April 12, 2012, at the dawn of the M23 rebellion, Amitabh Desai of the Clinton Foundation met with a few foreign ambassadors in Washington, namely those from Qatar, Brazil, Peru, Malawi, Rwanda. The Rwandan ambassador in 2012 was James Kimonyo. He stalked activists when he was in Washington, attending events to disrupt in the audience. Mr Desai met with that man… James Kimonyo and here is what he reported back to the Clinton Foundation folks:
– Kagame is organizing an event in June to commemorate closing of Gacaca process for the genocide. They asked if WJC could go. I said Africa trip is probably in July and we haven’t decided countries yet but if there’s anything they’d want WJC to do in Rwanda in July, to let us know. I also said to let us know if they’d want a message from WJC for the June event; they’ll let us know.
– Ambassador asked if WJC/CF/CGI could do anything to help on education/universities in Rwanda. I explained we are constrained by funding but if they have specific ideas, to let us know. He said they’ll put together some ideas for us.
– Ambassador asked about attracting more investments/businesses to Rwanda, including mining/natural resources investors. I emphasized CGI as an opportunity for Kagame to engage investors. I also mentioned Barclays interest in doing something at CGI on investing in Africa. Also mentioned Kagame doing a side-meeting at/around CGI that convenes investors interested in Rwanda, akin to WJC’s investor meeting for Ireland or session WJC did for Haiti last year at CGI.
– Ambassador said criticism of Kagame seems to have quieted, partly due to WJC and Blair’s unwavering support for Kagame. Ambassador said Kagame and Rwanda very much appreciate WJC’s unflinching support.”
Source: Podesto’s leaked emails on Wikileaks – here
What does this all mean?
In order to understand this, you need to know that there has been conflict in the Congo since 1996 due to wars of invasions by US allies Rwanda and Uganda into the Congo that have displaced millions of Congolese making them homeless and refugees, that have killed over six million Congolese as a result of these wars, that have caused the pilfering of Congo’s mineral resources by both mining corporations and rebel groups.
Now, the first paragraph, Desai speaks about Bill Clinton aka WJC possible visit to Rwanda. A nice introduction to show how the Clinton Foundation is cooperating with the government of Rwanda.
The second paragraph discusses how Rwanda tried to get what they are actually interested in, but the funder (CF) says we don’t have money for you, but let us know some ideas…
The third paragraph is the one that gives you everything you need to know about the Clinton Foundation. CGI and CF has been used to advance corporate interests around the world. For this case, it is quite appalling to read exactly what these people do at CGI. They bring US investors to meet with foreign dictators and set up deals that will screw over the people. You know what’s Rwanda’s secret around their minerals? Well, they do not actually produce the volume of minerals they say they do. For example, Rwanda today is the number one producer of coltan in Africa, a mineral found in Congo (64% of the world reserve is in Congo).
This is why individuals such as Frank Balestra (CEO of AB Minerals Corp) can make a statement such as “AB Minerals Corp. is creating a new Coltan (Columbite-Tantalite) separation plant in Kigali, Rwanda .The project utilizes a new, more environmentally friendly, disruptive processing technology to create metallurgical grade Tantalum powder and Niobium oxide from an industrial scale processing plant using certified conflict free ore mined in Rwanda and East Africa.” ( Go here)
People in the west choose to ignore that minerals exported via Rwanda are blood minerals, yet the Clinton Foundation clearly chooses to be the broker for Rwanda by introducing them to investors who pay a lot of money to be a member of Clinton Global Initiative… thousands of dollars… and in this situation, Desai says “I emphasized CGI as an opportunity for Kagame to engage investors,” clearly pushing for this.
But why am I making time to write about this paragraph? Amitabh Desai, aka Ami is not someone who must clearly know what is happening in Rwanda and Congo. My assumption are based on his background: he graduated from John Hopkins and got his master’s degree from SIPA at Columbia University. He was a staffer for a year for Hillary Clinton when she was NY Senator. His role focused on foreign policy issues in Africa mainly. Then he went to work in the Bush and Obama White House (2007-2009) as the Deputy Director of Foreign Policy. Then since 2009, he has been the foreign policy adviser for the Clinton Foundation, meaning he is the rolodex guy with all the contacts for African dictators that Bill Clinton deal with via his foundation.
Reading this heavy bio tells me this guy know better… and reading articles on him from Politico on the Hillary Clinton’s emails tells me even stronger that he knows very well what is going on in Rwanda and of course the Congo. (See, Politico article, here.)
You can’t work with the Clintons and not know the issue in Rwanda.
So… he, Podesta and others are very well informed about the situation but somehow they ignore the truth.
Last paragraph is what US universities and many others do to protect Kagame, the president of Rwanda: they provide him with cover so that the world will not think he is a killer. Desai reports back how Rwanda is so appreciative of Toni Blair and Bill Clinton’s “unflinching” and “unwavering” support while Kagame/Rwanda faces criticisms of crimes committed in the Congo. Remember that this email again is being sent during the dawn of a Rwandan-backed rebellion into the DRC.
While we know that the Clinton Foundation is really a scam, today I am reading how the Clinton Foundation is providing cover and backing to an oppressive regime in Rwanda responsible for the deaths of millions of Congolese. It is there…at plain sight… and Hillary Clinton at the same time was the US Secretary of State.
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