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Photo: Jinja, Uganda (1983). British Military Training officers helping Obote's UNLA Army in weapons handling, fieldcraft and mine tactics. Second picture is the result of their cooperation. The victims of Obote's army in Luweero district whose skulls were displayed along the roadside as a warning and deterrent to citizens. Even Idi Amin had never seen anything like this happening in Uganda before. Obote and his tribalist UNLA rebels committed a genocide that remains as the most vicious period in the history of this country.

Apollo Milton Obote and his supporters, the entire Liberation Army, including FRONASA, Save Uganda Movement, UPC, and Kikoosi Maalum, plus the British government were involved in the worst crimes a human being can imagine.
After President Idi Amin left Uganda, the new UNLA regime initiated what was essentially multiple genocides across the country; including the total extermination of civilians in West Nile district, the persistent witchhunting of Muslims across the country, and the grave war crimes and genocide against the Baganda tribe.
The British government was the one country funding the UNLA mass killings with at least €10 million British pounds budget support every year.
During that time, Obote was president. He had been declared "winner" after the infamously rigged elections of 1980 that also brought widespread torture, abductions, coersion, murder and daily politically motivated extra-judicial killings.
Mr. Otema Alimadi was Obote's Prime Minister. One George Okello was leader of the infamous UPC youth wing that was deployed to participate in the horrendous mass killings of Luweero. He lives comfortably in London today masquerading as a Human Rights lawyer. Same for one Akena Adoko who once headed the notorious secret police under Obote.
Their ill-disciplined army was led by Gen. David Oyite Ojok, Brig. Gen. Tito Okello, and Brig. Gen Basilio Okello.
UPC's Olara Otunnu was Obote's Permanent Representative to the United Nations (1980 to 1985) and then Minister of Foreign Affairs under Tito Okello's murderous but shortlived junta from 1985 to 1986. Col. John Ogole who died peacefully in London two years ago, was the Commander of the Special Brigade which, together with the UPC youth wing, wrecked the most havoc on innocent rural peasants and farmers.
The people named here above run a government that ruled over the skeletons of the Ugandans they massacred from 1979 to 1987.
If there is any group of people who have perfected finger pointing at Idi Amin as a way of hiding and frantically deflecting attention from their disastrous, unparralelled, and abysmal human rights record, it is these above mentioned regimes.
The United States, to their credit, were the first to alert the international community in 1981 that something had clearly gone completely wrong after Amin, and that 200,000 people were being slaughtered by Obote and his UNLA army/government.
In response to the US outcry, Britain, which continued to  maintain large aid and military assistance to the genocidal Obote regime, simply said that the US claims were exaggerated.
In June 1981, a Commonwealth report prepared by the British government (and revealed by British journalist Peter Gill), had even recommended a further 750 million pounds to assist Obote's rapacious and incompetent government. The disboursement of these funds was to be spread over two years.
By 1986, the people that Obote had killed with financial and military assistance from the UK government, had risen to nearly 500,000 humble rural farmers plus their wives, children, and the elderly in Luweero alone.
One of Britains best kept secret is their central role in supporting the perpetrators of this largely untold genocide from whose skeletons Museveni rose.
At the end of the war, the persisting UNLA war criminals would form the Lords Resistance Army under Joseph Kony. The LRA is essentially the foolhardy continuation of Obote's UNLA army.
Maintaining the same sectarian and bankrupt genocidal ideology where they continued the torture, maiming and murder, including of their own people, as a way to wield power and deter anyone from cooperating with any other Ugandans.
Some researchers have rightly called the LRA "the dying kicks of Oboteism in Ugandan politics"
While in 1979 more than 2000 Amin soldiers and officials were rounded up and tried, this has largely not been the case for many Obote officials.
One would have expected UK authorities to exercise their much hyped human rights defender credentials, and file charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity against the fleeing UNLA war criminals after 1986. Instead the UK has protected them and facilitated their comfortable lives on government stipends, government housing, and welfare benefits in the UK, unknownst to the British people to this day.

Written by Hussein Lumumba Amin.

A news article on those events from the UPI Archives:

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