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{UAH} Clinton Really Belongs In Jail / Impeachment Coming



For some very unknown reason,  it seems that FBI believes that The Clinton family is a crime family, and they are struggling to blow it up but failing for The DOJ keeps on blocking them. And I think it was on Friday or Saturday when I read a report out of London, that Comey is getting piles and piles of resignation letters from officers that are simply fade up of why Loretta Lynch is stopping any of them from going after the Foundation when they have the facts to do so.


So Comey seems to be caught between his organization and an Attorney General in the pockets of the Clintons.



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From: []
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2016 11:36 PM
Cc: NJVipers <>
Subject: [camnetwork] Clinton Really Belongs In Jail / Impeachment Coming




I have been a big Clinton fan / Supporter and I wanted her to win vote one elect one take two...but I am so appalled with the email scandal / classified information surrendering her. My greatest disappointment came few days ago when she called on FBI director to come forward / public with all he has and he should do it now. Really Clinton? Why didn't you come forward from day one when this started playing out? Why cry fault now when you purposefully, intentionally and disgracefully brought this to yourself??????????????????

Your actions has just further exposed the double standards in America's justice system...a million of us will be rotting now behind "koudengi" if we did just one one million of what you did...lying under oath, risking the lives of many with carelessly handling classified information, bleaching 33000 emails when you are under investigation...

Any rightful person while supporting you must also recognize these shortcomings in you...I smell impeachment after your election...I smell jail if you are not elected. It is sad that you lied so much that you even lied to yourself without realizing...You will earn my vote and I want to see you as the next President just because you are by far the better candidate when compared to Trump (he duped me in Trump University but I used to like / admire his business approach until I became a fervent believer).

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...Crooked Hillary thanks for exposing the "shenanigans" that takes place in this democracy..Americans after this should telling the world that they are a democracy...they are more corrupt that the 3rd world countries they often time criticize yet dine with them and milk the poor countries....

Wait and see...Clinton headed for impeachment and / or jail...Self destruction for power sake. I am above the law and can lie / steal my way out of it...why not "kill" others in the process to climb to that mountain top...Thank God you could not get our "broda."

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

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Posted by: Reuel Nwiyoh <>

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