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{UAH} How the GOP's first female presidential campaign manager manages Donald Trump

How the GOP's first female presidential campaign manager manages Donald Trump

Who is Kellyanne Conway?

Who is Kellyanne Conway? 04:01

Story highlights

  • Conway is the first female GOP presidential nominee campaign manager
  • She's Donald Trump's third campaign manager this election cycle

(CNN)Morning at the Conway household is like mornings in most homes with children. It's a scramble to get the kids fed, dressed and out the door on time for school -- organized chaos that would look familiar to any parent. But the mother of four young children in the New Jersey home we visited is not just any parent -- she is Donald Trump's campaign manager.

Kellyanne Conway's real house in Alpine, New Jersey, looks eerily like the one NBC's "Saturday Night Live" imagined in a parody earlier this month. The bit fantasized what a day off would be like for her -- rollerblading, painting, doing yoga -- only to be constantly interrupted by demands for television appearances so that she can try to explain fictitious off-the-wall comments from her boss.
In the few short months since becoming Trump's campaign manager, Conway has become a constant fixture on television -- laying out his agenda, talking points and often trying to smooth over Trump controversies. In dedicating a whole sketch to her, SNL picked up on a question many people are fascinated by: Does she believe what she says when she defends Trump?

Allaah gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him."And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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