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{UAH} Is FBI Director James B. Comey action a violation of the 4th amendment?

FBI Director James B. Comey recently announced that the FBI had discovered new emails that might be relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server. The emails were discovered in an unrelated case, and the FBI now plans to search through the emails as part of the Clinton server investigation.

Comey's announcement raises an important legal question: Does expanding the FBI's investigation from the unrelated case to the Clinton case violate the Fourth Amendment?

We don't know all the facts yet, so it's somewhat hard to say. But here's why the expansion of the investigation might be constitutionally problematic. Consider this a tentative analysis unless and until more facts emerge.

From what I can patch together, the FBI was investigating former congressman Anthony Weiner for potential crimes involving sexting with an underage girl. As part of the investigation, the FBI seized Weiner's laptop to search it for evidence of the sexting crimes. I would guess, although I haven't yet been able to confirm, that the FBI obtained a warrant to search Weiner's computer. The Fourth Amendment would generally require a warrant to search a suspect's personal computer unless there are special circumstances such as consent that haven't been mentioned in press reports

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