{UAH} Nothing Useful in the Debate or the Coverage
The debate last night reminded me why I loved Bernie. He always kept on msg and repelled all attempts to talk about sexual conduct of other candidates. He frequently brushed off such questions by saying that ordinary people's problems would not be solved by talking about such things!
As has been the trend from BOTH Hillary and Trump, last night's debate did not address ordinary people's problems. There was nothing for those worried about losing their jobs or those that lost manufacturing jobs and are worried about finding a new job; or those parents that are worried about the quality of elementary schools; or the cost of college; or workers with stagnant/or declining wages; or people living in fear of street violence; or those voters with inadequate healthcare (high deductibles or high premiums); or those that can't afford prescription drugs, etc,
That is why I keep saying that BOTH parties are off track. All these problems are going to be there in four year's time when we have the next elections. during my morning train-ride, I looked at the headlines on CNN.com, Weekly Standard, NY Times, Wapo, and Foxnews. None of them was talking about the above IMPORTANT issues (exception was Wallstreet Journal)...and it is NOT by mistake! The candidates want voters to focus on insignificant things...unfortunately, many voters are focusing on those insignificant things!
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