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On the prime time news programme, Agataliiko Nfuufu, on Bukedde Tv
last Sunday, one of the items contained a melee that erupted along
Kamuli road, Kireka in Kira Municipality. The plot: a group of senior
youth who have benefitted from- and prospered with- support from the
Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) housed under the Ministry of Gender,
Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD), had called other youths to
share with them the modalities of the programme.

All of a sudden, a scuffle broke out. The rest of the action was
captured by the news report. I would like to thank the station for
capturing developmental news, albeit with a dramatic side to it that
at times takes away the important theme.

I was shocked (violence always horrifies me) but in the same vein,
happy. I was happy because the item added on evidence that YLP exists
and that beneficiaries have prided in its support that they are ready
to guide others escape from the clutches of poverty. Regularly,
uninformed and self-seeking persons talk down YLP, claiming there is
no money or that it's reserved for a select few. This is in spite of
sustained publicity campaigns by the line Ministry to keep the public
abreast of developments ever since the scheme was launched post-2011.

Doubting Thomases, represented by the youngsters who didn't believe it
when colleagues narrated their success stories, may be or not be
excused, depending on one's position in the body politic of Uganda.
They are not excusable since it's said "ignorance is no defense" and
effort has been undertaken by implementers of development programmes,
specifically the YLP secretariat, to inform the country about
availability of funds and other contingent support. Some would-be
beneficiaries are simply obstinate or unambitious when it comes to
practical work but they will be fine with time.

Doubters are, however, excusable due to the sad fact that their
leaders have left the well-being and livelihood of their people to the
winds. Such dubious leaders, instead of engaging in developmental
campaigns, are famous on radio, tv, newspapers mobilizing in futility
against President Museveni and the NRM government, something not
buyable to those who see the paradox. People have, deliberately, been
left in the dark, no doubt with the motive of using them against NRM.

These pseudo leaders are missing the point and the people's plight
will catch up with them. The Museveni they expend careers belittling
and fighting is human. Tomorrow, he will not be the excuse since the
system will stay.

YLP was well-covered in the NRM Manifestos of 2011 and 2016. The
people appreciated its outlook and voted those who are best to
implement it. Teams, comprising of the top political leadership, civil
service led by Permanent Secretary, Mr. Pius Bigirimana; CAOs, CDOs
and others at various hierarchies, have worked to popularize it in the
media, seminars, community outreaches and by word of mouth of
successful applicants.

On the other hand, pseudo-leaders, operating in another world of
personal bliss, pursuing fictitious actions that are out timing are
happy to keep the people lost. Campaigns ended and it's time to work.

The youths of Kira are orphaned- in leadership terms- in as far as
critical development tips are needed. Anybody who is green about YLP,
a flagship programme, likely knows no other. They should heed the
advice of colleague beneficiaries as government works out an extension
arrangement to ensure that nobody is left out at any cost.

The Kamuli road fracas could have cost life needlessly as the
protagonists argued over a policy matter that has been tested and
proven. Why should people conflict over matters that are clear for all
to see? Their leaders have been negligent while it's also possible
they were incited to undermine and discredit the YLP.

Every quarter, government releases funds and all leaders from LC 1 to
Member of Parliament (MP) know that. Unfortunately, in problem areas,
they have chosen to keep the information "classified". The programme
is in its 3rd year of running. Those who have differences with
President Museveni should separate and take advantage of undeniably
helpful policies which are the right of everybody.

I have looked at the figures of YLP presence and disbursements in
Wakiso (the mother district), to beef up the "testimonies" of the
illustrious beneficiaries. As at October 17, 2016, the cumulative
disbursements for the whole of Wakiso, including Entebbe municipality,
totaled Shs1, 258, 280, 874 to 160 projects (148 livelihood support, 5
skills development). There were 1, 052 male beneficiaries and
864females; making a total of 1, 916.

In the planning figures for Financial Year 2016/2017, the whole of
Wakiso including Nansana, Makindye-Ssabagabo, Entebbe and Kira
municipalities was allocated Shs2, 536, 226, 940 for livelihood
support and skills development projects plus Shs140, 901, 497 for
institutional support. The whole figure comes to Shs2, 677, 128, 437
In Kira Municipality alone, a total of 88 youths have benefited, out
of which 52 are male and 36 are females' and derived from the villages
of Kigandazi, Bulondo, Kamuli A, Namataba, Kitukutwe and Bbuto. The
funds were invested in agriculture, industry and service. There! We
have the evidence. More will be done.

The area MP, Hon. Ssemujju Nganda and other leaders should join the
struggle against household poverty and ensure that their people are
aware of and have access to national development programmes. Left
unattended to, they can become a general problem as seen on that news

The author is a Presidential Aide for Media Management


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