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Dear fellow Ugandans.

My call to the Police..kifeesi as they are known to day as introduced by Katihura must put their hands off all Ugandans. We dont need the police.

The current police is useless  and one side based. Its a force that we have no respect nor value for. In fact why do they get paid. Why should our tax pay thwir wages. They are a banch of waste on our streets. To start with they have constantly under the leadership of Kayihura harrassed and now atempted to kill Besigye.

The truth is Besigye won elections. His is loved by the general public. like it or not we shall continue to support him.

Allow me to request all police men ..why don you go elsehwere and find jobs than hanging on Besigye. Besigye is well established in society and internationally. His pays u wages why dont you go and hung and leave the man alone. By the way all these police men involved under this fuujjo... be ready to answer questions soon. Kayihura is using u. He wont be there when your turn comes.

We fed up of seeing you because you dont deserve to abuse Ugandans. Well most the police officers are of Rwandan Orign killing is ok given tour history. But remember your in Uganda as refugees. Therefore your citizineshio can always be revoked. nobmatyer what. uou actuallybdont deserve to be in our forces given the b3hqviour you have presented to our fellow augandans.

Why are you mistreating Ugandans like this. Yountreat Ugandans like dogs.. your people who had nothing. now you hold the guns you chose to treat natives like trush... your days are short. i am

Really Police must be destroyed. Ugandans are ready to defend their nation without these Rwandan adopted bustards. Why treat Besigye like nothing.

Whay are the boundaries of police operations... who are they...
Am totalky sick of useless police criminals on our streets .

The first criminals to day we have is police. 

Regim change ohhh my God is the answer. please join and we take away this uselless gotv to the bin. They are useless. Useless completely. Look at the nation.... and here the out cries of the people...

No food.
No jobs
No medication
No school fees
No transport facilities.
No rules and regulations
No security among the general public
No peace at all.
No freedom of association nor assembly
Norespect for Ugandans by the Police as disguised
No hope for a better future
No direction for the public where the fountrh is heading too

Hence police must stay away from our strugle for change. We want regime change and nothing else.


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