UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




When you live closely with Africans they have several problems, but the most agonizing thing about them is jumping to conclusions without considering the basic facts, and after they make those conclusions, they do not follow them up to see how they become true, let alone finding out how they failed. And that is why Africans jump from issues to issues, for they do not remain on one topic after it fails. And I will give you a couple of examples.

A] ……. the Hilary land slide that is coming will also give her a majority in both Houses. She will be a tough, principled President.

Read that sentence closely. What intelligent man out there, makes it unless you are an African? This man knows that Hillary is going to have a land slide, she is going to have a majority in both houses and she is going to be a tough president.  Wow now that makes this man an Angel to predict all these things, but let us cut them into pieces. Apart from CNN all numbers you read in this election are troubling, for 95% of the major news media has contributed to Hillary's campaign, major corporations have contributed to Hillary's campaign, 95% of university contributions have gone to Hillary's campaign. Trump has invested almost alone in this campaign, thus he does not have interest groups tie ups. Hillary's attendance has been very very low all through the campaign, she has made the list campaigns in known history, and I give you an example of New York at the Jacob Jarvits Center, this rally was organized by labor unions, and it was mandatory for every employee to attend. Union groups gave attendees a company time, and USA today called it her victory lap. Do you know how many people attended even with such initiatives? Under 1,000 people including the organizers. Donald Trump's rallies, a man without contributions, are averaging to 5,800 people, and that Is at average. Every number I read except a number from CNN finds this election neck to neck. What is the money doing for Hillary Clinton?


Even with such indicators this African believe already that Hillary Clinton is going to win with a land slide, she is going to win both houses and she is going to be a very tough president. First of all Democrats have already held both houses and they still did shit.  Secondly Hillary as secretary of state was the worst secretary of state only saved by Obama selecting John Kerry that some of us wonder whether he even has a clue on what he is doing. The danger in this man making the above sentence is that he is not going to come back and evaluate what he has stated for tomorrow, for after Hillary screws us into WW3 he is going to hump on a different issue/topic.


B} I have spent literary years arguing that Obamacare is a scam and it is going to fail from the day it was created. And for several reasons, countries like Canada that adopted it are working  out ways to scramble it, for it is a socialist system that can never be maintained. My daughter fell on a heater grill and it split her head that a fat and tissues were hanging on her head, she blead a great deal, and I decided not to wait for an ambulance but drove her straight into emerge. We arrived at the hospital at 6pm and the first doctor to look at her split head did not see her until 7 15am. That is a wait of almost 12 hours sitting in emerge with no single assessment. People here do not die in hospitals they die in emerge. It is very easy for a patient to be brought into a hospital by ambulance and you stay on a gunny in a walk way in emerge for 5 days, for there is no room to take you. Americans are too many, they are too old thus very sick, and many of them are un employed. So there is no insurance model you can build to cover them. Countries like Uganda we had a government funded medical system under Obote one government, for the population was largely young and health, we were under 5 million people, and we had massive coffee and cotton as foreign exchange earnings. Today Ugandans are old, they are not health, they are 36 million people, we no longer have coffee or cotton, it is insane to think you can run a socialist system to pay for every one's health.


My very good friend Gook, has stood and pleaded for Obamacare from day one, he has challenged all the reasoning I have given him from day one. But when you even look closely at his medical system in Sweden, which has all along been a model in Europe, the Syrians and Somalis are about to break it into pieces. Why should it work in United States? The only way Obamacare can work, is if you pump so much tax payer's money, and it needs three times the money United States pumps into its entire defense today. But do you know when Gook stopped to challenge my going after Obamacare? When I started to throw him the numbers of premiums going through the roof, I think last night I posted that in Arizona they are going up by 116%, and that is the lowest they have gone, they are going to reach a point of raising to 500%. Today he is not interested discussing Obamacare, he is not available for his entire support of the scam is buckling right in front of his very eyes.


C} When Obama selected John Kerry to be a secretary of state, I was out of town, I dictated my opposition to his appointment in a car system as I was driving back into Toronto. Before I transferred it from the car to the computer to be posted, Abbey Semuwemba had already stood in a very large forum and praised Kerry's appointment, for he is a great and powerful man. Everything publicly known about Kerry he has been a failure, from the dealing with the Ortega's government  to all subcommittees he has served into. The man voted for Bush to go and attack Sadam Hussein, and he praised the Collin Powell stupid speech to the UN. John Kerry remains the man that his fellow soldiers that he served with in Vietnam, opposed and rejected his claims of achievements in Vietnam, and they wrote a whole book to expose his lies. The book is in your book store.


How the hell did Abbey Semuwemba figure out Kerry's strength to stand up in public and praise him as a very strong and powerful man? What back ground did Abbey Semuwemba have on him, and what achievements would have he listed in his mind to back up his public statement that Obama has made an intelligent decision in making him a secretary of state? Well now here we so are today after he has served as a secretary of state, can Abbey Semuwemba come back today and enlighten us about his achievements? And the answer is no because the responsibility of Africans is to stand up and praise any human being in any position, no matter how ignorant we are about them, and we never come back to wonder if we should have made such a statement. I have watched Uganda politics, there is no single leader that comes to Uganda and Ugandans do not take the streets with drums and dancing and screwing women on streets, for we are having a savior today. But those same Ugandans will never wonder why Amin ended up a dictator and Museveni will not. They clap for everything that shows up and that is the limitation of African ability. If a Chihuahua takes over the Uganda government today, Ugandans are going to take the streets in jubilation.


At what point will Africans ever stand up and only assess a leader or an appointment, by what it has achieved? What is wrong with Eddie showing up in a forum three years after Hillary's win, and we discuss her achievements and failures? When will my dear friend Gook give Obamacare two years of implementation, and we argue about its achievements and how it can be made better, or scrapped for that matter? At what point will Abbey Semuwemba wait to see the screw up that Kerry has done in Middle East, the numbers of people that have died, and his failure to sign a single successful agreement and then he praises him? There is a fear out there that under Hillary we are going to get a world war three, and I am posting today that if we are not very careful,  we can get a world war three under John Kerry foreign secretariship, and it might easily be kicked off by the ship UK has dispatched towards Syria. That single ship can easily ignite off a world war three. And after we make such un-researched conclusions on issues, we turn around and make the Ems the enemy, and if we are in Africa we murder them under a cover of the night, thinking that the Ems deaths are a solution to our sheer born stupidity. We need to get out of that revolving door or we are doomed as a continent.


Good morning to all.


On the 49th Parallel   


                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"

On Oct 26, 2016 9:47 PM, "Osagbemwonrhue uwensuyi-edosomwan" <> wrote:


Nice try! Mulindwa isn't here to listen to anyone! His controller in Moscow would send him to Siberia.


Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Oct 2016, at 12:23 AM, 'EG Cross' [Mwananchi] <> wrote:


Please EM stop circulating this nonsense on this forum – it is not only a waste of time and space but is simply not true or accurate. The debt of the USA pales into insignificance when compared to the $250 trillion Chinese debt – two and a half times the Chinese GDP. The US is in an amazing place after 8 years of Obama – highest incomes per capita ever, less disparity in incomes, more Jobs than ever and extremely low unemployment. I think he has done an exceptional job in very difficult circumstances and only hope that the Hilary land slide that is coming will also give her a majority in both Houses. She will be a tough, principled President.


Eddie Cross



From: 'Herrn Edward Mulindwa' [Mwananchi] []
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 4:29 AM



If Hillary Clinton Reaches White House
You Get This Future

By Frosty Wooldridge


If Hillary Clinton reaches the White House, you face a president who will fundamentally and drastically change America.

If she reaches the highest office in our land, it will give her mandates to increase Muslim refugee immigration. She will dissolve our borders by not enforcing our immigration laws in accordance with Barack Obama's mandates for the past eight years. She will present amnesty for 20 to 30 million illegal aliens. She will increase America's $19.5 trillion national debt to a point of financial collapse to pay for legal and illegal immigrants. She will continue free trade deficits that will create more foreign debt and loss of American jobs to China, India and Mexico. Worst of all, she will smash every American's Second Amendment rights to own a weapon for self-defense.

First of all, she promises to import 110,000 Syrian Muslim refugees into America in 2017 to continue Obama's Islamic immigration legacy. Vetting them to weed out terrorists must be the grandest and most profane farce in history. But we citizens will become the victims, i.e., 9/11, Boston Marathon, Orlando, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, St. Cloud and more to come.

ABC anchor David Muir, Wednesday, September 14, 2016, reported that Barack Obama successfully imported 11,000 Syrian refugees into America this year.  He expects to import a total of 110,000 in 2017 with Hillary's election to the White House.

This fact remains:  you cannot 'vet' the mind of a Muslim.  Such a mind feeds on the terrorist handbook: the Quran.  That book compels its followers to "convert or kill all non-believers." That's the prime directive of Islam.

Once that 'flow' of refugees streams into our country, like Germany's 1.5 million Syrian refugees, we face endless millions cultural conflicts, rapes and Islamic violence. Muslim immigrants destroy every country they inhabit! One look at Europe's countries being invaded gives you our fate at Hillary's hand. Muslims do not integrate or assimilate into any country:

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth." Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

The more Muslims we import, the faster we face sociological disintegration of our laws, culture, language and ethos. We face parallel societies exploding all over America. If you think "Black Lives Matter" violence hits our cities today, just watch when Islam's followers demonstrate and riot with "Muslim Lives Matter." We face a sociological breakdown.

"Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars," said social scientist Garret Hardin. "Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism'."

Hillary will follow Obama Immigration's Policy Timeline Wrecking Ball: Summary

As Hillary degrades our laws and enforcement, millions of refugees will line up on the Mexican border. Without borders, we become a "destination" not a country.

Unfortunately, the more Muslims we import, the more terror events. It's the nature of the religion. It's not going to change, because, as their numbers grow, so does their push for Sharia Law. There's no way to soften their prime directive: "Convert or kill all non-believers." One look at Europe shows you our future. Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, "When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it's happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims. Lone wolf terrorism operates off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. The FBI or other law enforcement agencies cannot monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow." (Source: Right Side News, Stop Lone Wolf Terrorism by Ending Muslim Immigration, August 2, 2016)

According to Dr. Steven Camarota, Center for Immigration Studies, in Washington, DC,, illegal alien flows average 500,000 annually since 2014, 2015 and in 2016. They bring their anchor babies that tap into our welfare systems at billions of dollars in costs, annually.

All of this immigration flow adds up to over 100,000,000 (million) immigrants, their children and chain-migrated relatives within 30 years. Look at what it will become in this short video:

"Immigration by the numbers—off the chart" by Roy Beck :

Understand this reality: by importing millions of immigrants, we load up our country with unskilled labor, welfare and mouths to feed. We overshoot our water, food and resources. Essentially, we drive our country toward becoming a third world country—fighting for survival. They come here for a better life, but where do we go for a better life once our country cannot function?

With her mandate as president, she will attack our 2nd Amendment rights to own weapons for self-defense. Once the government takes our guns, it can dictate to us what we will do, how we will act and what we can say. We will deform from citizens to 'subjects' of the state. Hillary moves toward becoming a monarch by election.

All in all, Hillary Clinton will inject Islam's terrorists into our communities. Their greater numbers will create horrific chaos across our nation. She will force us to pay for them even in the face of our $20 trillion debt that ultimately will collapse our system. She cannot and will not create jobs for millions of immigrants, but they will undercut our jobs for all our minorities, middle class and teens. She will force our educational systems into incompatible cultures, linguistic chaos and racial-ethnic tension that will grow with their sheer numbers.

Once she gets into the White House, you will be the recipient of a whirlwind of tragedies while she sits on her throne.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"





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