{UAH} Escaping Uganda: Gay refugees forced to flee persecution
Escaping Uganda: Gay refugees forced to flee persecution
LATELINE BY AFRICA CORRESPONDENT MARTIN CUDDIHYAlia Adams was forced to flee her native Uganda.
SUPPLIEDA number of people from the LGBTQI community living in East Africa have had to flee their homes because of their sexuality.
Uganda is one the most intolerant places in the world for homosexual people.
Many have fled to neighbouring Kenya and are now refugees, waiting to be relocated to a country that will protect them.
Alia Adams was born in Kampala in a male body.
"In the house I can wear dresses and I can put on makeup but when I move out of the house I've just been hiding," she said.
Two years ago, she was forced to leave her country of birth when her identity was revealed and her safety compromised.
"I left Uganda because I was published in the newspapers in 2014, [on] March first and second," she said.
"My pictures and my real names were published in the newspapers."
Losing hope
Many LBGTQI refugees flee to Kenya and live in the poorest neighbourhoods.
The conditions are not much better than Uganda and it is a tough existence.
Some turn to prostitution, others make handicrafts, but living and working in dense settlements means there are very few secrets.
"I was chased away from home by my family because my father said I'm terrible. I will spoil his children," said refugee Umar Walusimbi, who escaped from Uganda to Kenya.
"Now I'm also here in Kenya. Life is not OK."
Recently he was attacked while walking home.
"They called me, 'You gay — where you going? Give us money'.
"They slapped me, I fell down. They wanted even to burn me. They do everything to me."
Refugees cannot work in Kenya so the 25-year-old provides manicures and pedicures and charges about $3.
He wants to be resettled but is struggling with the uncertainty.
"I also lose hope. I just ask myself why can't I die? What am I doing on Earth?" he said.
'God hates homosexuality'
Kenya is a steadfastly religious society and almost every denomination denounces homosexuality.
Reverend Tony Kiama is from the River of God Church and he believes that homosexuality is "a deviation from the norm".
"The Bible clearly calls it an abomination and there is no place for them," he said.
"God hates homosexuality but He loves the person, because it's sin. God hates sin but He loves the sinner."
Even on a weekday, people will use their lunchbreak to go to church.
Regularly the sermon will be about tolerance but that does not extend to the gay community.
"The Bible says you should treat the aliens kindly and we will offer refuge for them, but of course we will not open it up for them come and to practise their evil here," Reverend Kiama said.
"But they can run here for safety."
'We are people like you'
Uganda's police regularly break up gay pride rallies. Mobs of vigilantes harass and attack people, and sometimes the victims are killed.
Diana Gichengo, a lawyer from the Kenyan Human Rights Commission, said most of the LGBTQI refugees fleeing Uganda are men.
"By persecuting them you are going against the right to human dignity," she said.
"It is very undignified for instance to try and strip them, cleanse them through rape. It's just wrong in every respect."
Most Ugandan refugees have applied for resettlement in a third country.
"Very many countries were open to accepting people who have been persecuted on the basis of their sexual orientation, however recently this is no longer happening," said Ms Gichengo.
Ms Adams is one of the lucky ones.
"My relocation is going on well," she said.
"I'm at the embassy already, the Netherlands Embassy, and I'm just waiting for my flight."
It took 18 months for her application to be approved but many others are still living in limbo.
The UNHCR refused to grant an interview and stopped the ABC from filming a protest outside of their headquarters in Nairobi.
They said they do not want to compromise the safety of any individual refugee.
The ABC understands at least one case has just been referred to Australia's High Commission and that means an LGBTQI refugee may soon be calling Australia home
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