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Why is the western media suddenly war-mongering about World War III? Is it because they feel it will happen only on some distant continent, probably the Middle East?
Surprisingly, in the last few weeks there seems to be millions of evil people around the world openly yearning for a showdown.
But it clearly is a non-starter. Unless someone viciously ignites it. And such deliberate action where one creates excuses for war has usually been the propensity of the United States.
For example in the Vietnam war (1955-1975): The Gulf of Tonkin incident is when the US lied that their warships were attacked. They then immediately deployed ahundred thousand troops and embarked on carpet bombing Vietnam for more than a decade.
And more recently, more lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We all know what happened next, and the continuing consequences whose tentacles have spread globally in the form of jihadist terrorism.
The only thing I agreed with Trump was when he said that the world would have been a safer place if Saddam and Ghaddafi were still alive.
But with the radical extremist Republicanism on the rise again within the US establishment, and Hillary's growing hate against Russia (her defacto public enemy number one), the US has to watch itself most and possibly one of its Middle East allies.
If American-made F-16 fighter jets are secretely being repainted in Russian airforce colors as reported recently, and they manage to get close enough to drop a major bomb on Russia's only aircraft carrier that is currently heading to Syria, just imagine what consequences are next.
Watching that ship on the news making its way like Nessie through the English Channel and into the Mediterranean sea, I did ask myself if Russia was also placing it there deliberately. But then the calculation of probabilities gets too complicated.
But where is de-escalation? In the trashcan?

By Hussein Lumumba Amin

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