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{UAH} Disgruntled employee writes bluntest exit email ever after 35 years – and copies in entire company

Disgruntled employee writes bluntest exit email ever after 35 years – and copies in entire company

Anthony Pearce
Yahoo News UK
Michael Stuban was at the company for 35 years
Michael Stuban was at the company for 35 years

A man who retired after 35 years at one company has launched a blistering attack on his bosses — emailing his grievances to every employee.

Michael Stuban, a 58-year-old retiring from his job at the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC), decided brutal honesty was the best approach for his exit questionnaire.

"I feel the PTC is rudderless," he wrote. "Executive level management is out of touch with the average employees, only looking out for themselves.

"Everything is a state secret, no input is asked from the field until after decisions are made. Employees are kept in the dark," he continued.

In what must have been a deeply satisfying moment, Stuban decided to copy in everybody at the company.

In the questionnaire he said staff have "no morale".

He wrote: "I feel upper management (executive level) doesn't care about us or appreciate us. The feeling I get is: just do what we tell you or find another job.

"I don't want to retire yet," he wrote. "I am only 58. But I don't feel part of the team anymore."

Stuban added that employees are unaware if there jobs would be safe. "The first 30 years I felt I was part of a team, the last years I felt as an outsider, that we, in the field don't matter," he wrote.

He added: "Jobs/promotions are filled by the politicians – it's who you know, not what you know."

As you can imagine, the company's chairman, Sean Logan,  wasn't too impressed.

He also hit reply all and wrote: "Mr Stuban, I don't believe we ever met, and after reading your Exit Questionnaire, I am grateful that we didn't."

He added that the company "couldn't be to [sic] bad of a place considering you stayed for 35 years. Best of luck in your retirement."

Stuban told the Philadelphia Daily News that Logan had "missed the point".

"If it was an effective company and someone told you there are problems and no morale, you don't have to believe me, but maybe someone should check into it," he said.

"They hire a lot of people that are dumb as rocks."

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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