An Islamic boys' school which "failed to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain" has been rated as inadequate by Ofsted.
Inspectors downgraded Darul Hadis Latifiah in Bethnal Green, which caters for boys aged 11 to 20, after an inspection during which a book was found in the library which promoted "inappropriate" views on "how girls and women should behave".
The school said it was unaware of the book's presence and that it referred only to the belief women should "dress modestly".
Very few pupils were able to name "the new British prime minister or were aware of the first female presidential candidate in the elections taking place in the United States of America" during the inspection.
The inspectors concluded that the government's counter-terrorism Prevent policy was not being fully implemented, saying pupils were not being "prepared for life in modern Britain".
The two-and-a-half day inspection in October also found a camera inside the "communal area of the toilets" displaying images of students in "plain view" of the reception area.
The Ofsted report said pupils risked being "drawn into situations which put them at risk of harm."
Respect for women was taught, but was limited "to the roles of motherhood and families" during Islamic studies, the report added.
Some pupils told the inspector that if they asked questions about sex and relationships they would get a detention.
They also found changing rooms and showers were "grimy and disgusting" after mouse droppings and sharp metal were found on the floor.
The independent school said it was "preparing a formal complaint" and said the camera only viewed the "washing area".
Badrul Islam, secretary to the school's governing board, said: "We are currently preparing a formal complaint to Ofsted about the way the inspection was conducted and judgements were made.
"While we accept that there were a few failings affecting the judgement on safeguarding leading to an overall 'inadequate' judgement, we have good reason to believe that the report is excessively negative and does not give an accurate picture of our students' attainment and progress.
"Nor does it give an accurate picture of the overall quality of teaching, and of parents' views of the school's performance."
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