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{UAH} BYANYIMA: Acholi soldiers killed Kanyamunyu’s father; Acholi policemen haunting Bahima - The Ugandan

Frank Mujabi,

I wrote a few days ago warning about Byanhyima's involvement in the on-going murder trial in the notororius Akena case. Just look at how she is now making Mr Besigye's situation even worse than he could have imagined. She is now determined to jump into a tribal cess-pit and indulge in a brutal free for all with no holds barred. I used to think she was a clever, balanced  and mature person, in fact we went to the school  together at Kings College Budo, although she was ahead of me- she was close to my elder brother at the time as they were both Head Prefects.

But look at the poisonous drivel that is now emanating from her mouth and pen? 

It is up to Besigye to decide what he wants to do to save his credibiity in this increasingly sordid affair. It is clear that Baynhyiama wants the murder trial halted even before investigations are completed.  Besigye can no longer simply keep his mouth shut and proclaim "No, I am Not My Wife's Keeper". He Can't do this. He says he is a champion of an end to impunity, as a regular victim of Kayibanda's brutality and torture, and so he should be seen to do the right thing, especially if people close to him are involved in acts of such an egregious and barbaric, almost unspeakable, blood-chilling cruelty and inhumanity, as the murder of Akena was. Frank Mujabi, if my won son returned to Uganda, joined the NRA mafia, became a gun-totting hatchetman of the regime and shot an innocent man in a supermarket in Kampala,  Frank Mujabi, I would shoot my son myself. I would not wait for him to be taken to court, much less try to defend him the way that Byanyima now is fervently defending a brutal murderer. This is the way to go for Besigye if he wants to save his credibilty. He should not allow a very stupid woman to end the little that is remaining of his political career. I opined before that the real victims in this sad case are actually going to be Akena and Dr Besigye, not Kamunyu or Byaynima. And the victor will be Kayibanda, who  must now be patting his pot-belly in glee at this turn of events. And I think I am being proven right by this sick development, of Byanhyiam declaring war on Acholi and vice versa.


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