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Mr. Barrack Obama


You spend days walking in all campaigns opening up your mouth calling the man all names under the sun, a man that has done absolutely nothing to you. Poor woman, you walk on a podium and turn around to lift your skirt and fart at a man that has done absolutely nothing bad at you. You call him all names under the sun. You put all abusive titles against him yet he calls you not a single God damn name. And in response he turns around shows up with his very beautiful wife and family, and with grace look in your face and hand you the very respect you seriously do not deserve. And when you say the man is incompetent and has no morals and he is a useless peace of crap he turns around and buys you a gift to see that even though you were so terribly brought up, yes every crap deserve to be treated with respect. Can you simply imagine if Trump went on a campaign and name called The Obama’s all names they called him and he lost? Wow what a circus the Obama’s would have done? Stupidity is never developed it is born from within, and the moment we realize that is the very moment we can run away from it,  but the time we learn to live with it is the time we become civilized. Obama’s presidency has been a family of a husband a wife and two children, it is interesting that the day the  parents decided to become abusive into the campaign was the very last day their two children showed up in public. The manner they opened up their mouth publicly was not a way parents do and it was very right that their children ran away from public for these are no longer parents but firkin thugs.


You start to lie that Sasha has not shown up at a farewell ceremony for she is doing an examination and it works for that time, but when at your inauguration you show up with your entire family, and at the handing over power day your both kids do not show up one starts to wonder what kind of discussion you had with your family before you showed up to hand power to a man you have publicly declared stupid. There is no president that has ever looked so small as Barack Obama when the next president looked in his eyes and told him exactly what he has done while in office. You looked small, petty and you looked in the heavens asking God to show up and save you from the true reality. On record president Barack Obama becomes the very first president that did so many havocs that both of his children ran away from his handing over power for they saw through the stupidity of their both parents.


Thank you Lord for allowing some of us to watch the total  family melt down of this family face to face.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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