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{UAH} Nabirah Sempala: UBC was sold to Star Times at $19 million

Mw. Kateregga

This is your philosophy as a journalist in NRM?

China has a national broadcaster China Teve CCTV and Radio now sending to dimwitted Africans. (tulobeera ku CCTV!)

I thought journalists knew these sorts of things and purpose - what is mixed about mixed economy about a national broadcaster? This is the surest way of kill off the economy!

7 million adults in Uganda can fund UBC with an annual fee of shs 2000 UGX  = 14 billion plus earnings from commericial programming.

USA has Voice of America, Britain has BBC, Russia has RT

NRM and its appendages are absurd!

So you will have to pay star times to cast nation programs – NRM is completely senseless and utterly foolish.

This shows deep inexperience and mindlessness about national affairs. Did you know that national broadcaster is also a security and education channel? Talk of soldiers


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 4:31 AM, ahmedkatereggamusaazi <> wrote:

Mixed economy is the answer.

Sent from my DNA

On Jan 18, 2017 5:47 AM, Dan Bwanika <> wrote:

How on earth can you sell a national broadcaster - this is madness.

If this is true -then  there is something inherently wrong with NRM.These public service facilities are paid for with small fees levied on annual user licences which NRM admantly refused to impose. In fact one can calculate how much money is needed to run i.e. UBC and levy exactly the same fee torugh licences!

 Besides selling UTL, UCB, NIC and NHCC  Uganda has simpy too many banks (capita flight) to keep the shilling stable and NRM doesn't get it - Uganda is in a total mess!

Does NRM understand how to manage the state?


Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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