{UAH} Duterte is a "sociopathic serial killer" - Leila De Lima
Robert Atuahirew,
-- Here is Senator Leila De Lima On Rodrigo Duterte. I am afraid the killings in Davao will come out, now that Senator Leila De Lima has pulled off her gloves in the brutal fight with Duterte. May be we will get to the truth of who actually ordered the murder of my own wife.
"In one of her strongest statements against the president this week, de Lima called Duterte a "sociopathic serial killer" who has not been made to answer for more than 1,000 deaths during his crackdown in Davao city as its mayor and now for the thousands of drug suspects killed in his national fight against illegal drugs.
She urged Duterte's Cabinet members to declare him unfit to serve as president. Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II warned that such remarks were seditious, but de Lima replied that Aguirre and Duterte are "the rebels and inciters against a constitutional order that values life and due process above everything else."
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