{UAH} EM: Will not beleive this but Obamacare just keeps getting more popular
EM: see when you talk too much.
Obamacare just keeps getting more popular
Bob Bryan,Business Insider 6 hours agoEven with the looming threat of a repeal, more and more Americans say they support the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
A poll released by Public Policy Polling on Thursday showed that 46% of Americans said they support the ACA, while 41% oppose the law.
Additionally, PPP found that 62% of people polled said they wanted to keep the ACA and make changes to it, while 33% said they wanted it repealed and the US to start over with a new healthcare law.
"Obamacare continues to become more popular the more talk there is about repealing it," PPP said in a release.
The poll follows two others that show the ACA is becoming more popular with Americans. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll last month found that 45% of Americans said they approved of the law and 41% disapproved, and a Morning Consult/Politico poll this week found 47% said they approved while 45% disapproved.
Interestingly enough, PPP also found that President Donald Trump's approval rating was 47% approval and 49% disapproval, meaning that the healthcare law has a better net approval rating than the president.
The increase in popularity comes as Republicans begin the process of repealing significant parts of the law through the budget reconciliation process. The GOP has cited increasing premiums and several insurers abandoning the law's insurance exchanges as reasons for the repeal.
Democrats, on other hand, have fought for the law, pointing to things such as the more than 20 million people who have gained access to insurance through it, as well as provisions such as a statute preventing insurers from denying coverage because of a preexisting condition.
The three-month open enrollment period for the ACA's exchange-based plans ended Tuesday night. Because of decreased communications from the Department of Health and Human Services since President Donald Trump was inaugurated, the final number of Americans who signed up for plans during the period is unclear.
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