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{UAH} Afro-Colombian Leader Beheaded: Blacks Face Ethnic Cleansing in Columbia | araac

Robert Atuhairew,

Do you know that Colombia has probably the only communities of black africans in their original form anywhere outside Africa, without any interracial mixing and whose way of life is still typically African- the only thing they lost is the language? And do you also know that black Cubans are the ONLY LIBERATED Former African slaves in the Americas, courtesy of Comrade Fidel Castro who abolished elslavement of black people within the first year of the Cuban revolution, whereas in nearby USA, nearly 60% of black people still live in conditions no differrent from slavery and the police brutality against black people still remains official state policy that even a balck president could do nothing about? When I first went to Colombia, I sent a pictur I had taken with balck Colombia, and my mother back home in Uganda sked in whcih African country I had now gone!!! She could not belive there are any black Africans in Colombia. My two adopted children from Colombia are Africans- orpans of an FARC combatant who was killed in action, shortly after I left the country. He had been my guide when I visted the guerrilla camps.


On Tuesday, February 23th, local Police discovered the body Emilsen Manyoma , a fearless leader of a network of Black and indigenous community organizations.…

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