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{UAH} Do we have men in uganda anymore

Dear members am sorry to think this way its because of the events at home and i think we need men to join hands ao that we get ourselves sorted. 

1. We have seen parkyard get syolen and offered to unidentified people we are quite. 
2. People  especially innocent children abd women in kasese  were killed we are quite

3  Our general are being killed now and again silently we arenquite.

4. Unemployment is it at the peak we quitw

5. Povert and starvation at thw peak and peoply are dying we are quite

6.Hospitals nolonger operate we are quite.

7.Education is dead..kods now have resorted to go gardening with the parent..or go for prostitution or spend most of the times in cinemas...we are quite

8.Chines and Asians have completwly destroyed our wetlands in disuguise of growing products that will generate money but instead this money goes to their country leaving uganda poor we are quite.
9.Our natural reaources mismangaged starting from money from oil accessed by only and only M7 and his allys...then our lake exploited in that wven our sand in the lake is empted we are quite. 

10. we are keeping and feeding refuuges more than the population yet our own people have no access to anything from the govt we are quite. 

11.Business are being taken away by justbone first family we are quite. 

12.Rwvenues corrected belong to individuals while others dont pay taxes instead noperate in tax holidays mirembe Amiina ..we are quite..

13. Expired drugs in hospitals being given to illitrate and elderly and volunerable people ....we are quite.. the list is long...

14. Our own children ie our Mayor Alias Lukwago was totally chased from Nakivubo like his a congolese hired macernaries... ....we are quite

15. The police runs the country as they please we are arw quite... 

Its getting too much thatbis why am asking where are ugandan men... why are you not acting... am.not calling for sanity but am calling for action with an aim.for a lositive change. Thw country ia roten. Its 100 timea worse off than 1986 before they took over the govt. 

To know that M7 is ashmaed he cannot make any comparison with his govt frommprevious ones ie  that they never had this building we built it for govt... what buding has this govt put innplaxe that belongs to govt that we will always remember them for....apart from.killing people directly or indirectly.

Where are men in uganda..... are..... u there... oba your also confused on what to do like me... at present.... surely men wake up and get ridnof this Nyamulenge...we are tired...and fed up with him...

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