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{UAH} FDC Leaders Move to Impeach Mugisha Muntu

Mr Abbey Semuwemba/Annet/Kakwenza,

What are going to do to end the internicine strife and virtual  civil war in your party?


FDC Leaders Move to Impeach Mugisha Muntu

FDC President Gen Mugisha Muntu
FDC President Gen Mugisha Muntu

Forum for Democratic Change President Gen Mugisha Muntu is facing an impeachment threat, Chimpreports has learnt.

The impeachment plot is being pushed by party leaders from West Budama North Constituency in Eastern Uganda.

These on March 6th wrote a letter to the party Chairman Wasswa Birigwa and the National Delegates about the said impeachment proposal.

Najjanankumbi remains principally silent about the letter which Chimpreports has seen.

"I really don't comment about letters; you might want to talk to the party spokesperson," said Harold Kaija the FDC Deputy Secretary General when we reached him for a comment.

The spokesperson Hon. Semujju Nganda had his phones off through Monday morning, while our efforts to get through to Secretary General Nandala Mafabi and the party President Muntu were still futile as they wouldn't pick.

In the letter, the Budama party leaders list a number of accusations against the party President — whose term in office runs out this year.

These, led by their Constituency Chairman Bernard Osinde claim Muntu has failed on many fronts and flouted some party rules to favor his reelection later this year.

Mr Osinde told us on phone that they sat as the constituency party leadership and decided to write to Kampala, seeking Muntu's removal.

 "He has failed on his constitutional duty of fully constituting the party structures…a case in reference is his failure to appoint the deputies to NEC as per Article 21. It is obvious that he has opted to do so to target votes for his reelection in November," read part of their letter.

According to the recently released road map, the leading opposition party is slated to hold its presidential elections on November 2nd this year.

Muntu is also being accused of "usurping the powers of his Secretary General, citing the recently concluded EALA elections, where he supposedly took on the powers of Nandala to determine party candidates for the race.

His efforts were nonetheless rejected by Parliament, and both FDC candidates proceeded to lose in the general elections.

Gen Muntu has since the start of his tenure in 2012 at the helm of FDC, faced significant resistance from a section of party members leaning more toward his predecessor Col Dr Kizza Besigye. This faction has been described by critics as more "radicalized."

It is apparent that the angry members from Budama subscribe to this group, as they, in their letter accuse Muntu of failing to "defend FDC's victory in the past presidential elections."

"This is interpreted by most Ugandans that Muntu is powerless but comfortable; he is willing to sacrifice the hard work, determination and sacrifices for change by the young generation…," they wrote.

"Based on the above, we are convinced beyond doubt that our vision bearer, the party president has gone against our constitution, abused the mandate of the delegates' conference, and has proved to be against the principles, values and the core objectives of the struggle of the party.

It remains unclear whether the party leadership is in possession of the said letter and what course of action, if so, will be taken.

Commenting on the weekend about the letter, FDC's Paul Mwiru said during a televised interview that once they have it, the party has internal mechanisms in place through which they will address the members' expressed concerns.

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