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{UAH} History to remember: Joseph Kazairwe 50 ears ago was sentenced to five years in jail for refusing to pay tax to Buganda kingdom chiefs.

Picture shows Joseph Mujoobe Kazairwe, in 1961, as leader of Mubende Banyoro Committee being led to Prison by Buganda kingdom Prison Officers.

The five-year sentence was reduced to one year on appeal to Central Government High Court. After serving his sentence, on release Kazairwe starnted where he left and became even more militant, this time leading actual military resistance which culminated into the 1964 Buyaga/Bugangaizi Referendum, which the Banyoro won overwhelmingly, paving the road to the return of the two Lost Counties to mother kingdom Bunyoro-Kitara.

Of the remaining Lost Counties, two have peacefully declared their independence from Buganda kingdom by peacefully seceding, and electing their cultural leaders, The Isaabaruuli of Buruuli Kingdom, and Isaabanyala of Bunyala kingdom.

Kooki also declared her independence when they told Buganda that the self-imposed attachment to Buganda when they sough proteection has endede since there is no longer threat to them which was historically presented by both Buganda and Bunyoro-Kitara.

Hence, today the Uganda Constitution recognises the Kamuswaga of Kooki as king of Kooki, the Isaabaruuli as the king of Buruuli kingdom, the Isaabanyala of Bunyala, as the king of Bunyala.

That is Uganda history.

Henry Ford Mirima

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