{UAH} How New Vision frustrated Daily Monitor’s plan to launch a Luganda Newspaper
By Moses Kaketo
A few years ago, Monitor Publications Limited (MPL) the publishers of Daily Monitor launched a Luganda sport newspaper called Nyanda.
From 1,000 copies, the paper grew to reach 30,000 copies. The paper's growth is attributed to the in-depth sports coverage and 'accurate' game predictions. This attracted the unemployed youth whose live hood depends on gambling.
Started in June 2011, The Nyanda, whose cost of production is very low- grew fast to attract advertising, to become self-sustaining and profitable.
Market intelligence is key in today's competitive business environment. Analysts at Plot 101 Jinja, the head offices of Vision Group, noticed that among other factors, The Nyanda was eating into Bukedde sales, which had for now dropped to average of 18,000 up from 35,000 copies. They also learnt of MPL's real motive behind Nyanda.
Read: Is the New Vision Group crumbling?
Market intelligence reports revealed that Daily Monitor's plan was to grow Nyanda into a powerful newspaper before turning it into a mainstream Luganda newspaper to take on the country's leading Luganda newspaper- Bukedde.
Previous attempts by MPL to start a Luganda Newspaper have been disastrous. They had to close the Ngoma Newspaper after a few months on the market. They learnt the hard way. Therefore, they needed to come well prepared.
Armed with this information, Robert Kabushega's boys moved fast to launch a Luganda sports newspaper called Akadirisa to counter MPL's plan.
The Akadirisa was to disorganize Nyanda and frustrate MPL's grand plan.
Allaah gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him."And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)
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