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{UAH} Letter from Africa: How Nigerians obsess about life in the US

Gwokto/Robert Atuhairew,

Why is it that a lot of people at home still have a very wrong impression of what life is really like in the Western world? A majority still think it is paradise. Why? Is it because those who are in the diaspora often sell a wrong version of their actual experiences in Europe and the Americas? Thats why a lot of middle aged men here in the UK fall into a lot of trouble. Instead of marrying locally here with women who already know their social-economic situation, they go and import a wife from Uganda, who comes with totally unrealistic expectations of what life in the UK is like. They think they are going to live in a mansion, the husband has a limousine and a chauffeur and everything is hunky dory in a land of gold and glory. But reality quickly sets in when they discover most people here survive on debt- any salary that comes into the bank disappears in two days!!! Not suprisingly, nearly 70% of marriages where the wife is imported from Uganda, without having known the husband before, end in divorce within 2-3 years. Add to that some girls in Uganda look at marriage as the quicket way of getting to Europe- so they just go throught it as a meal ticket, which they quickly through away once they get the right papers.

Why cant Africans tell the truth? Or have we now become eternal dreamers- we expect some of our wildest dreams to actually become reality one day?


Letter from Africa: How Nigerians obsess about life in the US

itow Nigerians obsess about life in the US
George Okello
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Aubrey Orrai
Aubrey Orrai they obsess about life anywhere but home while busy making noise about how nigeria is rich. they just afraid of gangsters calld boko haram im sure. they should ask africa as a whole to help them instead of running away and obsessing about other countries.
Like · Reply · 3 · 7 mins
Sporo Mash
Sporo Mash What can you expect from a Nigerian, even their fellow countrymen in Africa think twice abt approving Visas for them. Definition of Nigerian : A person who is up to no good.
Like · Reply · 4 · 4 mins
Ascension Mdu
Ascension Mdu not just usa,they like spending their money outside theIr country.
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Brian Thabang Modisana
Brian Thabang Modisana Sad can't they fix their country to suit their needs?
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Mwita Chabala
Mwita Chabala who cares, US is for Trump!
Like · Reply · 9 mins
Mongezi Ekse WaMoorosi
Mongezi Ekse WaMoorosi Nigerians though!
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 mins

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