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{UAH} NRM Gov't Takes over UTL

Government takes over UTL, forces Libyan managers out

Communication and organisation are interlinked

First read through the housing strategic planning for a covering grasp of the
entire interconnection of the sectors and sectoral planning.


I wrote this article when several month before UTL was taken over sent to parliament via Dr. Johnsson Nkuuhe. Africa and Africans are amazing- this articl appear in New Africa magazine!

I have argued into the past, Uganda as any other African country apart from South Africa and Egypt does not have a TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY despite the fact that CONSUMPTION of telecommunication goods and services has rapidly gone up into the past recent three years.

Uganda can't remain indifferent and continue in a state of permanent consumption in a seemingly rapidly growing INDUSTRY FOR SCHOOLS, HEALTH CARE, PUBLIC, ADMINISTRATION AND weather
monitoring facilities etc.

Firstly, if we in Uganda do not tackle these problems with systematic and methodical exertion we are going to remain consumers of IMPORTED EQUIPMENT, which can be manufactured here anyway. Hence slowing down and at worst DESTROYING our economic growth (coffee!) in the entire ENGINEERING EDUCATION fields and our SMALL-SCALE ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL installation industry.

We do not have either PRIVATE OR PUBLIC RESEARCH, copy and development facilities due to bad and poor (World Bank & International Monetary Fund) development policies, in this sector. Despite the fact that communication equipment can be picked from garbage dumps brought into the country and redesigned. The government should allow UCC, limited importation rights of second hand communication equipment for research and development.

Secondary, the problem of the sliding EXCHANGE RATE of the shilling is partly due to the rising importation of communication equipment, which can actually be manufactured or fabricated here.

Thirdly, Uganda's highly skilled engineers are UNDEREMPLOYED and/or languishing in foreign nations discriminated and exploited a situation, which can't be allowed to continue indefinitely to put pressure on the entire economy.

Uganda is not a slave exporter nation.

Fourthly, the COMMUNICATION SECTORAL situation is not becoming any better as ORGANISATION AND UPGRADED ADMINISTRATIVE ENTITIES are in HIGH DEMAND of the above mentioned facilities and high growth in the private sector will in turn create more demand for the same. A quick solution should be sought since our EXPORT EARNINGs can't meet high demand for these items.

Fifthly the SECURITY OF any country depends on the NATURE AND STRUCTURES of communication facilitation in place which must be unique to that country.

Lastly UGANDA REVENUE AUTHORITY and the development of the country in the future will entirely depend on daily monitoring of TAX COLLECTIONs directly from business entities, something which will necessitate a close working relationship with district located UGANDA POST BANKING facilities, UGANDA COMMERCIAL BANK and the Min. of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
and that of LABOUR FOR WAGE payment sections.

All the above require unique telecommunication facilities for our country to which UCC is totally indebted to design and develop. How we go about this is what will be tackled in this article.

Let us start with mapping the existing infra / intra structural

1. In Uganda there's is UGANDA COMMUNICATION COMMISSION with a labour force of five engineers which figure can be increased to 15 or more engineers for a purpose of increased research in telecommunication engineering.

2. Uganda Telecoms Limited together with MTN could be brought into a working relation with UCC in the development of a COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH LABORATORY facilities for the development of an array of modern telecommunication equipment in computer communication, for land survey, monitoring and mapping  using short WAVE RADIO FREQUENCIES.

3. UGANDA MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION which is entirely private should be brought into a working relationship with UTL, FM stations and UCC in the production and partial development of the ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT for domestic, private and public utility. Start with all taxi or transporting vehicles in the country and business facilities.

4. THE MONEY. Through licensing rights UCC has a CONSTANT FLOW OF FUNDS which can be turned to PURPOSEFUL utilisation for the development of the TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT like signalling equipment, radio transceivers, high speed modems and cable television connections for administrative entities and schools. These can be ADSL or Ethernet, fixed radio for school, working places, taxi stations etc which should be standardised too.

5. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION, Min. of Communication, Housing and Works, Uganda Revenue Authority, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Makerere and Kyambogo University, Min. of Health, Mulago and Mbarara Teaching hospitals, Uganda Law Enforcing forces, Min. Higher Education should all be involved in IDENTIFICATION, ORGANISATION, PLANNING, DESIGNING of the necessary
TELECOMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTURE for thorough undertaking of there
activities. This information should be handled by Uganda Communication
Commission for a quick action plan UNDER A BY LAW from the Department of
Information for compliance.

UCC and the UGANDA NATION SCIENCE COMMISSION (UNSC) should be reorganised
along research, copy and development facilitation. For UNSC it can work
closely with sectoral ministries but UCC must systematically develop the
communication infrastructure. With that it implies the following must be
attained in the most possible minimum time.

a. Identification, mapping of the most rapidly growing sectors of the economy
in which UCC and UNSC can play a vital role with a purpose of telematics and
communication development. The development of telecommunication industry goes
hand in hand with the development of household or domestic appliances,
administrative, organisational and educational facilities.

b. ELABORATED LABORATORY FACILITIES should be initiated in the fields of
research, copy and develop for a sole purpose of developing a unique system
of telematics and communication industry for East and Central African region.
We need two or three which can be in place within three to four month.

c. UGANDA MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION should be tipped with vital information in
the production of developed items.

d. A PROMOTION, SALES AND MARKETING department should be independently
developed with the help of UTL, MTN and DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION, and
Uganda's FM radio stations. Etc.

e. UCC and Department of Information, NEMA should enter a working
relationship to PHASE out development constraining communication facilities
in the development of inherent communication infrastructures in Uganda. For
instance, all schools, healthy care centres; all public administrative
entities must be connected to the national communication networks. All FM
station should establish a communication infrastructure covering the entire
country through modern facilitation i.e. digital communication. All cable
networks and television facilities must have the ability to reach all homes
in and around the country through UCC approved communication infrastructure
which must be DIGITAL or DIGITISED. This will help in the promotion points
(a) and (b) and increasing the marketability of UCC activities which must be
SANCTIONED by Department of Information, Min of internal affairs, Min.
Defence by laws.

f. Ministry of Local administration and UCC should design and develop a
communication network with the help of UBOS for social, economic and
geographical data exchange. It implies that there must be a by law to which
UCC, Department of Information will impose herself a monopoly in
IDENTIFICATION, PLANNING, DESIGNING of the best methods of communications
infrastructure for the country together with the help of Uganda's public
conversant with this industry. All input must be thoroughly debated and the
advantages and disadvantages precisely pointed out.

g. All small and big airports aerodrome, administrative entities or offices,
district municipal taxi parks, traffic police monitoring points, healthy care
units, permanent private and public housing facilities, business entities,
weather monitoring units around the country must have POINTS OF CONNECTION
(PoC) for direct phone connection (accessed at least to hospitals, police,
schools free of charge) all the countries FM radio direct connection,
Internet and cable television. THIS MUST BECOME A LAW WITHIN THE URBAN AND

h. As per point (g) UCC together with the Ministry of Communication, Housing
and works, Min of information should develop a network in that connection, to
which UCC must have an unlimited input in RESEARCH, COPY AND DEVELOPMENT with
UMA, Sembule, Wavamunno and other producers of these items. These networks
should be standardise as those of schools, transporting, URA networks for a
thorough and quicker implementation and avoidance of duplication for good
maintenance and upgrading.


i.In case where UCC cannot implement directly the infrastructure as in (g),
private ownership together with district planning offices should enforce
point (g) to the letter.

j. All this is attainable without an exaggeration and has massive input in the
construction, engineering and the entire economic development sectors. If we
can't implement it then we should NOT quote any data on communication of that
is a comprehensive communication industry. With that standard network the
government can make quarterly earnings on digitised cable TV network
connection, FM radio connection and Internet connection at Ug shs. 3000 -
4500 quarterly per homestead business structures at the same time increasing
the information flow to the citizens for quicker development. If we were to
build houses for every home how much money will the state earn on network
licences - wb and imf planning policy goodness!


Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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