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{UAH} UPDF officer feared dead after jumping into Lake Victoria

UPDF officer feared dead after jumping into Lake Victoria

Corporal Erisa Mbisa, an officer attached to

Corporal Erisa Mbisa, an officer attached to UPDAF who is feared dead after jumping into Lake Victoria under unclear circumstances. Courtesy Photo 

By Paul Adude

ENTEBBE: Residents and traders at Nakiwogo landing site in Entebbe were left in shock after a soldier attached to the Uganda Peoples Defence Air Forces (UPDAF) jumped out of a passenger boat into Lake Victoria under unclear circumstances.

Passengers who were travelling with Corporal Erisa Mbisa said he jumped out of the boat headed for Buwaya mid-way the journey.
The officer in charge of Nakiwogo Police Station, ASP Charles Lubaale told this reporter that they were able to identify the deceased by the documents and mobile phone in the bag he left in the boat.

Further, Mr Lubaale said that upon dialling a one Meddy Dawna in the deceased's contacts list, he confirmed that Erisa was a colleague and that they were deployed in the Entebbe UPDAF base as plane mechanics.
However, by Thursday evening, the body of Erisa had not been found by the marine police who were conducting a search with the help of fishermen.


Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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