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{UAH} What is Uganda

Robert Atuahirew,

Here I am once more dragged into one of those brutal Ugandan debates on the vexed question of what "Uganda" is. Mr Semuwamba has refused to raise the intellectual standards of this forum, and as a result, smaller ones are now sprouting up, where you can get debates like these taking place. But I am afraid most of them want to lock horns with me. But I dont have time. I now have a bunch of documents to go through in preparation for the Philippines Peace Talks which are now back on. But I feel I have a very important role to play in Ugandan politics at this material time- and that is to try to engage as many minds as possible in brutal debate. And I think I am succeeding as you can see the passion that I generate in some people. I have discovered  that I am loved by few, hated by many but RESPECTED BY ALL. This gives me immense satisfaction. Karl Marx always said it is the ideological battle we must win first, in order to win other battles. We can not change society without first of all convincing them that we are right and have the answers.


George Okello Rwandan outlaw Kayibanda Museveni perched on the back of mother Uganda since 1986 and wont let go!!!!
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Aquilinus Odong
Aquilinus Odong Perfect!
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George Okello
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Jeff Okema
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Mtoka Mbaali
Mtoka Mbaali Most Mothers go through such. Iam sorry to say this, but men who are like that one in the picture, don't deserve to live.
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo George Okello since when did Buganda become your motherland? Museveni's government is based in Kampala, Kyadondo and Entebbe, Busiro, on Baganda lands of Buganda, not Acholilands, beyond the Karuma. Your attention is drawn to the 1962 Uganda Constitutional and Statutory instruments which relate to t he merger of different ancient nations, c apital and countries, w ith the capital (Kibuga) and territory of our own country called Buganda in Luganda, or Uganda in the foreign Kiswahili language since 1844. The Kiswahili name was coined by Arab traders from Zanzibar in 1844, and you show show evidence of a written treaty or Constitution, how Acholi territory became part of Buganda or Uganda.
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo
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Banda Balogoo

☭Census of the population (Roscoe, 1911,pp.245). The Baganda nation has an inbred love for trading and bartering (Roscoe, 1911, pp.452). During the early days o...

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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo George Okello unde which written treaty and Constitution did your country of Acholi become part of our country Buganda, and in which did that artificial union take place?
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo The Act of Union 1707:

The Acts of Union, passed by the English and Scottish Parliaments in 1707, led to the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain on 1 May of that year. The UK Parliament met for the first time in October 1707....See more
Here we look at the relationship between the two independent kingdoms of England and Scotland in the…
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo George Okello dont get offended when we ask you and others for documentary proof relating to the written new 1962 Uganda Constitution, and Statutes as well as written land treaty and agreements under which some of you Acolis of Acholi and Langis of Lango, claim the Baganda family estates in Kampala, Kyadondo a nd Entebbe, Busiro, to be motherland or fatherlands.
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo George Okello we give you an example of the laws and agreements which relate to the merger of different 4 home nations and countries, which make up the total area of the present day nation-state or sovereign country called United Ki...See more
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Banda Balogoo
Banda Balogoo Aquilinus Odong what's the current population of the native Acolis in the homeland of Acholi? In 1875, the population of Baganda or Waganda was 3 million persons, after head-counting, and today after conducting a clan & family counting (census) the population of the native Baganda nation, stands in excess of ten (10) million Baganda in their own country called Buganda, where the population size and size of territory dermacated by natural river boundaries, is bigger than Rwanda and Burundi combined together, and even much bigger that the whole of Wales, but you and others (non-Baganda) wrongly call them a tribe and a province, the 1966 military coup and removal of the 1962 Uganda Indepenance Laws a nd agreements, which ended our Ugandan cirtizenship and Ugandan nationalism.
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