{UAH} When Kaweesi fell foul of authorities
On Wednesday, March 15, 2017, a certain communicated to me, giving me notes from which he requested me to compile a report for him. Among other issues, the notes included a time when Kaweesi-though he wasn't the subject of the report- was reportedly sent on katebe (set out of the limelight) by removing him from Spokesman-ship of the Police Force to a behind-the-scenes job of Director of Operations.
The official said Kaweesi had relied on fake intelligence to carry out some operations in Kampala and that when the President heard of the glitch, he asked "where did that one study from?"
Kaweesi was consequently redeployed as above. The official asked if i had heard of the incident. I responded in the negative. He said it was true.
In compiling the report, i skipped the incident and handed over the report the next day (Thursday).
On Friday morning, the assassination took place.
"Official" called early in the afternoon wondering "we were speaking about Kaweesi yesterday and you didn't include him in the report and now he is dead". It's as if he felt i had a sense of premonition or foresight, something not so much in doubt.
The official then gave me new notes for me to do another report in which he addresses wide-ranging solutions to insecurity and terror and gives glowing tribute and credit to Kaweesi, noting that he was a good officer with connections among the people which enabled him to access any place-Church, mosque, Mengo, sports galas, schools, media, etc.
He said errors may have occurred in his career but that they were never intentional or because of inherent incompetence.
In death, all is good; terror will never win!
Robert Atuhairwe
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