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As Africans, we stand with the people of Zimbabwe. Their land, their lives and their property. All must remain secure and protected at all costs. So should their individual rights and freedoms, Justice and the rule of law.
The people are also entitled to leaders they select.
Obviously everyone knows that outside interference from overseas wants to hijack developments in Zimbabwe to their benefit.
These corrupting agents of darkness and false hope should be immediately rejected by all Zimbabweans and all Africans.
Foreign interference usually has their own selfish motives that do not further the best interests of the indeginous people of Africa.
The same people who have deliberately crippled the country's economy through vicious embargoes, are the same people now blaming that very economic collapse on an African whom they clearly despise and whom they want to see deposed because he reclaimed African land from colonialists and gave it back to the indeginous people.
What clearer indication can one find of sheer hatred and vicious cunning?
Therefore the people of Zimbabwe must remain alert and sovereign in their country at all times. Volatile situations and the resulting vacuum should not be allowed to result in any secretely-agreed developments that are against the local population and their land.
There is another problem that the Zimbabwe crisis exposes. The very people who are claiming to stand for democracy are the ones celebrating a military coup against a democratically elected president.
This is disturbing at many levels. Firstly because it shows that the word democracy, rather than being a principal, has become a mere political tool that is used when it suits certain occasions and completely discarded when it doesn't.
This is a behaviour no different from that democracy in many African countries where it is increasingly just a tool for legitimizing obvious despots. Individuals who simply manipulate election results and dominate the political field through draconian public management legislation, wanton abuse of citizens rights, and partisan state institutions that constantly harrass political opponents. How many such pretenders are in waiting in the spheres of African political activists and opposition politicians whom today can be found celebrating a coup d'etat against an elected leader?
Therefore it is now the critical duty of every single Zimbabwean across the political divide, including all the people's representatives and even the army, not to allow any political outcomes that do not include the will of their people, their known ideals, and their known aspirations.
They should simultaneously bare in mind that at this juncture national unity, peace, economic continuity, constitutionalism, and the rule of law are also paramount.
Now is also the time for young Zimbabweans to rise and together with the elders, take part in establishing a lasting inclusive Zimbabwean solution to a Zimbabwean problem. A solution where they will play an open-minded, innovative, tolerant, and constructive role for their country today, tomorrow, and for future generations, in concert with the rest of the continent and the world at large.
However, a Zimbabwean solution to a Zimbabwean problem is what the rest of Africa should support. And if need be, there are many lessons learnt from around the continent, best-practices that have worked in other African countries conflicts. These could be helpful in resolving the Zimbabwe crisis. That way we can solve our African problems ourselves, supported by African leaders, African institutions, and/or African regional blocks.
As for the Zimbabwe military, it should already know by now that ultimately it should and will return to the barracks, so that a new day begins for all the sons and daughters of this great African country.
One of the most underestimated causes of anarchy in torn African countries is institutionalised revenge and the brutal discrimination that results from it. This state of affairs is already visible in most of the inflammatory  tone already adopted in many reactions from around the continent. Obviously such conduct/behaviour does not help for a single moment.
Regardless of political affiliation, all Zimbabweans, especially their leaders, will have to avoid destructive sentiments.
Isn't it the only way to achieve a sober, productive national consensus towards the common good for all the country's citizens?
It is only decisive principalled leadership that can put the country back on good tracks both politically and economically.
Currently what I am told any about many Zimbabweans is that they feel a great sense of hope at the moment. Hope for a brighter future.
Therefore regardless of individuals, the only acceptable outcome from this crisis is a better nation.
Zimbabwe belongs to all the people of Zimbabwe. Africa belongs to Africans.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin

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