{UAH} Fwd: Fava beans and family—a grandfather’s recipe for 'foul medemes'; the alt-right's digital fascism; white supremacists and black metal music; more
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Date: 6 December 2017 16:57:43 GMT
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Subject: Fava beans and family—a grandfather's recipe for 'foul medemes'; the alt-right's digital fascism; white supremacists and black metal music; more
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Recipe: Brisket latkes for Hanukkah ![]()
December 6, 2017
The Taste of My Grandfather's Youth Esther Levy-Chehebar
How I learned to make 'foul medemes,' a fava bean-based dish he ate growing up in Cairo
United States / Jacob Siegel and Angela Nagle
Digital Fascism: Anti-PC Idol-Smashing Isn't Just a JokeInternet trolls, ritualized social-media cruelty, online cesspools, and their real-world political effects
Music / Adam Schragin
White Supremacists Are Using Black Metal To Promote HateAn investigation into 'Antichrist Kramer,' SSP Records, and other labels suggests a history of real-world violence and bigotry
Food / Shannon Sarna
You Love Latkes. You Love Brisket. For Hanukkah, Put Your Two Loves Together.Make a moist brisket, then shred it and add it to your potato pancakes. It's not what my grandmother used to make. It's better.
Popular Haredi Singer Covers Eyes with Electrical Tape Mid-Concert to Avoid Seeing Women Dance And even his most fervently religious fans are outraged
The Best New Sufganiya Stuffing This Hannukah? Grilled Meat and Tahini. Two iconic Jerusalem eateries come together to introduce a carnivorous delight this holiday season
BBC Star Leaves Top of the Pops After Making Controversial Comment About Jews Reggie Yates stepped down after talking about "fat Jewish" managers controlling the music business
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